App::installguide - App Installation Guide
This is the Installation Guide to the App (Perl 5 Enterprise Environment). You can find out more background to the project on the web.
Installation of the App requires the following:
* install Perl (at least 5.5.3) (5.005_03)
(you can test this by typing "perl -v")
* install Apache or other web server
* install dependent Perl modules from CPAN
* install App software
We will discuss the last item first, because it is assumed that most people know how to do the first three or they are already done.
You could just install all of the software into "/usr/local" or wherever your Perl is installed. In that case, skip this section.
If however, you are setting up a development environment, or if you wish to install multiple versions of the App software, it is advisable you choose an approach as follows.
Set Up a Development Environment (Unix)
Choose a directory that will be the base of all App environments (i.e. /usr/mycompany, any base directory will do).
Create a subdirectory for each separate developer/tester. You may wish to choose groups rather than users (i.e. "devel", "qagroup"). (In this case, you would have several developers working in one directory tree. This may cause more conflicts between developers during development, but the conflicts get worked out more quickly than when developers work in separate directories.)
These are independent development "sandboxes". Later, when we start making releases of the software (which includes the App framework), we will create other environment directories like this.
All of these directories will have their own self-contained installation of software. Named versions (i.e. "test", "qa", "prod") are simply symbolic links to the particular version to which they currently apply.
In your chosen development directory, you should set the permissions to allow access to be granted by group.
chgrp -R spadkins /usr/mycompany/spadkins # all files and dirs owned by group
chmod 775 `find /usr/mycompany/spadkins -type d -print` # dirs writable by the group
chmod g+s `find /usr/mycompany/spadkins -type d -print` # setgid bit keeps files in the group
Within each directory, you should create a default set of subdirectories.
cd /usr/mycompany/spadkins
mkdir src lib bin man etc include src/tar
You should set up in your ".profile" some appropriate variables.
PREFIX=/usr/mycompany/spadkins; export PREFIX
Note: If no initial MANPATH was set, setting the MANPATH this way could inhibit the "man" command from finding all of the standard "man" pages. You may need to create an initial MANPATH something like this and then add the $PREFIX/man directory to it.
MANPATH=`find /usr /opt /man -type d -name man -print 2> /dev/null`
MANPATH=`echo $MANPATH | sed 's/ /:/g'`
export MANPATH
Note: It may be similar for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and you may need to set an initial LD_LIBRARY_PATH something like this.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`find /usr /opt /lib -type d -name lib -print 2> /dev/null`
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | sed 's/ /:/g'`
Now log out and log in again so that your ".profile" variables are in your environment.
Set Up a Development Environment (Windows)
Install Dependent Modules from CPAN
perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Date::Parse
cpan> install Date::Format
cpan> install Data::Dumper
cpan> install Compress::Zlib
cpan> install MIME::Base64
cpan> install Storable
cpan> install Exception::Class
cpan> install Class::MethodMaker
cpan> install Hook::LexWrap
cpan> install Aspect
cpan> exit
If anyone finds other dependent modules, please let me know.
Get App From CPAN
The App is not yet on CPAN. Try one of the other methods.
Get App from CVS (to develop App)
You should use this method if you *do* have commit access on the App CVS repository. (Note, substitute your CVS user id for "LOGIN" below.)
cd $PREFIX/src
cvs -d login
[enter your password]
cvs -d co p5ee
Later, when you want to refresh your directory with the latest software from CVS, you can repeat the same commands or you can do the following.
cd $PREFIX/src/p5ee
cvs update -dP
See a CVS document to find out how to create, delete, and modify files and then submit changes.
Get App from CVS (anonymous, read-only access to latest App)
You should use this method if you do *not* have commit access on the App CVS repository but you do want to stay up to date with the latest App software (recommended, because there are no releases yet).
cd $PREFIX/src
cvs -d login
[press enter at the password prompt]
cvs -d co p5ee
Later, when you want to refresh your directory with the latest software from CVS, you can repeat the same commands or you can do the following.
cd $PREFIX/src/p5ee
cvs update -dP
The "cvs update" method is the preferred way to get updates.
Get App from a Snapshot
If you do not have CVS on your system, you can still get reasonably recent sources from
cd $PREFIX/src
wget -O tar/p5ee-latest.tar.gz
gunzip < tar/p5ee-latest.tar.gz | tar xvf -
If you don't have "wget" (, you can use Perl's own LWP.
cd $PREFIX/src
perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'getstore("", "tar/p5ee-latest.tar.gz")'
gunzip < tar/p5ee-latest.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Install Perl Modules, Man Pages, HTML Pages
cd $PREFIX/src/p5ee/App
make test (these may or may not work. the tests themselves are under development.)
make install
Edit Main Config File
You will need to do this one time.
cd $PREFIX/src/p5ee/App-/cgi-bin
cp demo.conf p5ee.conf
vi p5ee.conf
# edit the following lines:
# * perlinc = list of perl include paths
# * scriptDir = absolute path for directory which the "p5x" script will be in
# * scriptUrlDir = path from http://localhost to the scriptDir
# * htmlDir = absolute path for the "htdocs" directory
# * htmlUrlDir = path from http://localhost to the htmlDir
# * ttTemplateDir = apsolute path for the "templates" directory