Myco::Admin - myco Developer's Manual.
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$Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2006/02/17 18:22:38 $
This guide is intended for developers wanting to build applications with myco. You should have a decent grasp of the Perl programming language, or else a solid grasp of another programming language (C, PHP, etc.). Familiarity with Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques and test-first methodology of developing programs (such as outlined in the "eXtreme Programming" method) also go a long way toward writing sound applications, and making the best use of features offered in myco.
Our goal in this manual is to write and run a small application based on the myco framework.
Most likely, you will also be functioning as your own sysadmin. If so, please consult the Myco System Administration Guide for how-tos on installing Perl, PostresSQL, module dependencies, deploying the database, etc. This document will repeat some of the details from the Admin guide along the way.
Creating your first myco entity class
The simplest way to get started, after completing installation and initial configuration of myco, is to utilize mkentity to create a new Myco entity class and its companion test class. Depending on how you like to structure your module files and what testing framework you like to use (mkentity and testrun currently use Test::Class), this may not suit you. But for this guide, it'll have to do :)
First, be sure that you've set a couple environment variables. Assuming you've downloaded and untarred/unzipped the myco distribution into your home directory and renamed it just 'myco', in sh
or bash
export MYCO_ROOT=/usr/home/yourhomedir/myco
In csh
or tcsh
setenv MYCO_ROOT /usr/home/yourhomedir/myco
Put it in your .bashrc or .cshrc for permanence, if you like. Now navigate there:
Now, after contemplating the object you'd like to model in your class and the name you want to give to it, run mkentity
./bin/mkentity Myco::App::Guitar
Though you can name your class anything, a good place to start is to park it within the Myco perl namespace, making use of the 'App' area. Here is where all substantial Myco applications live. Anyway, using mkentity
requires you to do it this way. (Note to team: exapand mkentity and testrun to generate and test myco apps outside of the Myco name hierarchy).
You can now poke around your new class file:
vi lib/Myco/App/
and your companion test class file:
vi test/Myco/App/Guitar/
% ./bin/testrun Myco::App::Guitar::Test
Time: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.02 CPU)
By default, your new test class will not test for persistence bahavior:
skip_persistence => 1 # in the %test_parameters hash of your test class
This is desirable, since its entirely possible that you want to simply use the myco framework to write classes to work in-memory only, and not persist as objects in a database. In this case, you'd proceed to write your code, but all attributes would be of a transient nature. But in most cases - such as now - you'll want to utilize persistence. So turn persistence testing on:
skip_persistence => 0
and run the test again. It should crash and burn, ending like this:
Test Results:
Run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 3
So, we now want to configure your class in the myco framework to be persistent, so that these six initial persistence tests will pass.
mkentity provides two dummy attributes (fooattrib and barattrib) to get persistence started. You only have to specify a table name for Tangram to use in deploying the class schema. In the Myco::Entity::Meta object creation near the top of the class, comment out the setting the database table name:
# tangram => { table => '::SetTableName', }
A name will automatically be given to your class when we recycle the database, as long as you add your class' name to the SCHEMA_ENTITY_CLASSES array in the schema hash in myco.conf:
If you ran the installation tests, myco.conf will have been created for you based on your responses to questions about your environment. If not, copy the file myco.conf-dist to myco.conf and flesh it out. Regardless you need to add the name of your entity class yourself at this point.
Now deploy the new class to the database...
...looking for output indicating that your 'guitar' table was created...
guitar deployed
Schema Deployed
...and run the test again:
./bin/testrun Myco::App::Guitar::Test
All six basic entity tests should have passed. If you're suspicious that something should have failed, then you must be a test-first coder! Seriously, testing is good to do in parellel with (or, better, anterior to) writing your code. But myco is a framework that automates all the boring object persistence stuff for you, as well as a lot more, so you really don't have to write test code when modeling, in our case, a basic guitar and its attributes. So let's just do it.
But before that we need to flesh out these skeleton files provided to us by mkentity. First we'll replace the stock attributes with ones more guitar-ish. Try this on for size:
$md->add_attribute(name => 'make',
type => 'int',
values => [0..3],
value_labels => {
0 => 'Gibson',
1 => 'Fender',
2 => 'Paul Reed Smith',
3 => 'Ibanez',
$md->add_attribute(name => 'model',
type => 'string',
Simple, right? Here we're outlining the make/model with a Tangram integer and string data type, respectively. Here's one more:
$md->add_attribute( name => 'strings',
type => 'flat_array',
tangram_options => { table => 'guitar_strings', },
The last one may seem silly, since most guitars have six strings, but let's not forget about the guitar's poor cousin - the bass guitar, or various bastardizations like the seven-string, twelve-string or 'Chapman Stick' :)
There's many ways to model your attributes (TIMTOWDI), including using sets of objects, etc. Myco is tightly bound to the Tangram data mapping framework, so best to consult its documentation for more info. See Tangram::Type for more on the data types available for persistification. Here we're modeling strings as a perl array.
Now get rid of any references to those dummy attributes, 'fooattrib' and 'barattrib' in and its file:
In Line 70 of your change this:
simple_accessor => 'foottrib',
to this:
simple_accessor => 'make',
As the comment above says, simple_accessor
is "A scalar attribute that can be used for testing". You can further flesh out the %test_parameters
hash to have the test framework automatically run your new attributes through the gauntlet, but there's really no need for this simple example.
Now let's recycle the database!
Again you'll see output to the effect that your guitar table was redeployed. Now, let's write a simple perl script and design our very own guitar!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Myco;
# Get database connection paramters from myco.conf - very handy!
use Myco::Config qw(:database);
Myco->db_connect(DB_DSN, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
# Make it a Fender!
my $guitar = Myco::App::Guitar->new( make => 1 );
print "Its a guitar!\n" if ref $guitar eq 'Myco::App::Guitar';
$guitar->set_make(0); # Changed my mind, now its a Gibson
$guitar->set_model('Les Paul');
my @strings = qw(B E A D G B E); # Seven strings - rare!
$guitar->set_strings( \@strings );
my $id = $guitar->save;
print "The Tangram ID for your new guitar is: $id\n" if $id;
my $guitar_ = Myco->remote('Myco::App::Guitar');
my @results = Myco->select( $guitar_, $guitar_->{model} eq 'Les Paul' );
print "Guitar was saved and selected!\n"
if $results[0]->id == $id;
There's a ton more you can do with myco, though this little example should provide you with a good start. Cheers, and let us know how you like myco!
Ben Sommer <>