BusinessHours - An object that calculates business days and hours
use BusinessHours;
use DateTime;
my $datetime1=DateTime->new(year=>2007,month=>10,day=>15);
my $datetime2 = DateTime->now;
my $testing = BusinessHours->new(datetime1=>$datetime1,
worktiming=>[9,18], # 9 am to 6 om
weekends=>[6,7], #saturday , sunday
holidayfile=>'holidaylist' #holidaylist is a text file
#with each date in a new line
#in the format dd-mm-yyyy
print $testing->getdays."\n"; # the total business days
print $testing->gethours; # the total business hours
BusinessHours a class for caculating the business hours between two DateTime objects.It can be useful in situations like escalation where an action has to happen after a certain number of business hours.
Create an instance of the class with the two required datetime objects. and use the methods to get the business hours or days.
new( ... )
This class method accepts the following parameters in the hash format.
datetime1 => Starting Date datetime2 => Ending Date worktimings => A list reference with two values.Starting and ending hour of the day. Defaults to [9,18] weekends => A list reference with values of the days that must be considered as non-working in a week.Defaults to [6,7] - Saturday , Sunday. holidayfile => The name of a file from which predefined holidays can be excluded from business days /hours calculation. Defaults to no file.
This class has two methods.
Returns the number of business days
Returns the number of business hours.
Antano Solar John<>
Copyright (c) 2007 Antano Solar John. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 225:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head3'