Text::FixEOL - Canonicalizes text to a specified EOL/EOF convention, repairing any 'mixed' usages
use Text::FixEOL;
my $fixer = Text::FixEOL->new({ EOL => 'platform|asis|mac|dos|unix|vms|netware|network|os2|cygwin|crlf|cr|lf|literal:$value',
EOF => 'platform|add|asis|remove|mac|dos|unix|vms|netware|cygwin|network|os2',
FixLast => 'platform│yes│no│mac│dos│unix│vms│netware│network│os2│cygwin',
my $fixed_text = $fixer->fix_eol($string);
my $mac_text = $fixer->eol_to_mac($string);
my $windows_text = $fixer->eol_to_dos($string);
my $unix_text = $fixer->eol_to_unix($string);
my $crlf_text = $fixer->to_crlf($string);
my $network_text = $fixer->to_network($string);
Converts the EOL and EOF conventions in the passed string to a canonicalization form that handles 'mixed' EOL conventions.
It canonicalizes EOL as \n (the platform defined EOL) if it does not know the particular platform. Can also 'fix' the end-of-file mark if needed and ensure that the last line of the string is EOL terminated.
1.00 2005.05.02 - Initial Release
1.01 2005.05.03 - Changes to Build.PL to have Test::NoWarnings and Test::More as prerequisite modules and changes to META.yml to try to make CPANPLUS happy. Small documentation change to 'new'. No functional changes.
1.02 2005.05.05 - Added more build tests and made various bug fixes and tweaks. 100% code coverage for tests reached. Added Test::Pod to tests. Changed text in POD for licence to correctly identify license as dual Artistic/GPL.
- new({ [EOL => 'platform|asis|mac|dos|unix|vms|netware|network|os2|cygwin|crlf|cr|lf|literal:$value', ] [EOF => 'platform|add|asis|remove|mac|dos|unix|vms|netware|network|os2|cygwin', ] [FixLast => 'platform|yes|no|mac│dos│unix│vms│netware│network│os2│cygwin', ] });
Instantates a new Text::FixEOL object and (optionally) allows setting the modes of operation.
- fix_eol($input);
Converts the EOLs/EOF in the passed text to a canonicalization form. This includes fixing EOLs to the appropriate values, as well as handling EOF issues. Specifically, the presence of terminal Ctrl-Z characters (EOF) and whether or not the last line of the string is terminated with EOL (FixLast).
When running in default mode (all setting at 'platform') on an unrecognized platform, it will attempt to convert to the local machine conventions using \n for EOL, 'remove' for EOF and 'yes' for FixLast.
It attempts to 'Do What I Mean' (DWIM) for mixed EOL values (text where there is a mixture of differing EOL conventions such as can happen when a document is editted in more than one environment).
my $fixed_string = $fixer->fix_eol($string);
The full grid of platform defaults is as follows:
EOL EOF FixLast unix \012 remove yes dos \015\012 asis yes windows \015\012 asis yes mswin32 \015\012 asis yes mac \015 remove yes macos \015 remove yes vms \015\012 remove yes os2 \015\012 asis yes netware \015\012 asis yes cygwin \015\012 asis yes network \015\012 remove yes
The EOL canonicalization form is premised on the following example map which attempts to 'DWIM' for all cases of between 1 and 4 consecutive CR/LF characters. The values shown in the table are for illustrative purposes only. The actual values depend on the conversion modes specified.
["\012" => "\012"], ["\015" => "\012"], ["\012\015" => "\012"], ["\015\012" => "\012"], ["\015\012\015" => "\012\012"], ["\012\015\012" => "\012\012"], ["\012a\012b\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012a\012b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012a\015b\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012a\015b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\012b\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\012b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015b\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012\015a\012\015b\012\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012\015a\012\015b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012\015a\015b\012\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\012\015a\015b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\012\015b\012\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\012\015b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015b\012\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015\012a\015\012b\015\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015\012a\015\012b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015\012a\015b\015\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015\012a\015b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015\012b\015\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015\012b\015" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015b\015\012" => "\012a\012b\012"], ["\015\012\015a\015\012\015b\015\012\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\012\015a\015\012\015b\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012"], ["\015\012\015a\015b\015\012\015" => "\012\012a\012b\012\012"], ["\015\012\015a\015b\015" => "\012\012a\012b\012"], ["\015a\015\012\015b\015\012\015" => "\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015a\015\012\015b\015" => "\012a\012\012b\012"], ["\015a\015b\015\012\015" => "\012a\012b\012\012"], ["\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\012\012\015a\012\012\015b\012\012\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\012\015\012a\012\015\012b\012\015\012" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\012\015\015a\012\015\015b\012\015\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\012\012a\015\012\012b\015\012\012" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\012\015a\015\012\015b\015\012\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\015\012a\015\015\012b\015\015\012" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\015\015a\015\015\015b\015\015\015" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\012\012\012\012a\012\012\012\012b\012\012\012\012" => "\012\012\012\012a\012\012\012\012b\012\012\012\012"], ["\012\012\012\015a\012\012\012\015b\012\012\012\015" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\012\012\015\012a\012\012\015\012b\012\012\015\012" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\012\012\015\015a\012\012\015\015b\012\012\015\015" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\012\015\012\012a\012\015\012\012b\012\015\012\012" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\012\015\012\015a\012\015\012\015b\012\015\012\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\012\015\015\012a\012\015\015\012b\012\015\015\012" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\012\015\015\015a\012\015\015\015b\012\015\015\015" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\015\012\012\012a\015\012\012\012b\015\012\012\012" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\015\012\012\015a\015\012\012\015b\015\012\012\015" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\012\015\012a\015\012\015\012b\015\012\015\012" => "\012\012a\012\012b\012\012"], ["\015\012\015\015a\015\012\015\015b\015\012\015\015" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\015\015\012\012a\015\015\012\012b\015\015\012\012" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\015\015\012\015a\015\015\012\015b\015\015\012\015" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\015\015\015\012a\015\015\015\012b\015\015\015\012" => "\012\012\012a\012\012\012b\012\012\012"], ["\015\015\015\015a\015\015\015\015b\015\015\015\015" => "\012\012\012\012a\012\012\012\012b\012\012\012\012"],
Additionally any Ctrl-Z (EOF) characters are processed according to the EOF setting.
- eol_to_unix($string);
Converts the passed string to Unix EOL/EOF conventions. This is equivalent to using fix_eol with
EOL => 'unix', EOF => 'unix', FixLast => 'unix'
The Unix EOL convention terminates all lines with \012. Ctrl-Z (EOF) characters at the end of the string are removed.
- eol_to_dos($string);
Converts the passed string to Windows/DOS EOL/EOF conventions This is equivalent to using fix_eol with
EOL => 'dos', EOF => 'dos', FixLast => 'dos'
The DOS EOL convention terminates all lines with \015\012. Ctrl-Z (EOF) characters at the end of the string are left alone if present.
- eol_to_mac($string);
Converts the passed string to Macintosh EOL/EOF conventions This is equivalent to using fix_eol with
EOL => 'mac', EOF => 'mac', FixLast => 'mac'
The Mac EOL convention terminates all lines with \012. Ctrl-Z (EOF) characters at the end of the string are removed.
- eol_to_network($string);
Converts the passed string to network EOL/EOF conventions. This is equivalent to using fix_eol with
EOL => 'network', EOF => 'network', FixLast => 'network'
The network EOL convention terminates all lines with \015\012. Ctrl-Z (EOF) characters at the end of the string are removed.
- eol_to_crlf($string);
Converts the passed string to CRLF format without otherwise changing it.
This is equivalent to using fix_eol with
EOL => 'crlf', EOF => 'asis', FixLast => 'no'
- fix_last_handling(['platform|yes|no|mac│dos│unix│vms│netware│network│os2│cygwin']);
Get/set accessor that specifies whether or not the last line of the string should have an EOL added if missing. Default is 'platform'.
- fix_last_mode;
Returns the current mode ('yes' or 'no') for the handling of the last line of the string (the actual 'yes'/'no' value rather than the mnemomic used for configuration).
'yes' indicates the processor will ensure the last line is terminated with an EOL value, appending one if needed.
'no' indicates the processor will not append a EOL if it is missing.
- eol_handling(['platform|asis|mac|dos|unix|vms|netware|network|os2|cygwin|crlf|cr|lf|literal:$value']);
Sets/gets the end-of-line character handling property. The default is 'platform'.
The full list of supported settings is as follows:
mac - use Macintosh default (\015) macos - use Macintosh default (\015) dos - use DOS default (\015\012) windows - use DOS default (\015\012) mswin32 - use DOS default (\015\012) unix - use Unix default (\012) vms - use vms default (\015\012) netware - use netware default (\015\012) network - use network default (\015\012) os2 - use OS/2 default (\015\012) cygwin - use CygWin default (\015\012) platform - use the currect execution environment default. asis - leave EOLs alone. crlf - use CRLF (\015\012) cr - use CR (\015) lf - use LF (\012) 'literal:$value' where you replace '$value' with a string value instructs the converter to use the literal you specify for EOL.
- eol_mode;
Returns the current EOL string (the actual string value(s) for the EOL). This is the literal string value, not the mnemomic used for configuration.
- eof_handling(['platform|add|asis|remove|mac|dos|unix|vms|netware|network|os2|cygwin']);
Specifies what is to be done with DOS end-of-file characters (control-Z).
'add' a Ctrl-Z (EOF) will be appended if not already present. 'asis' the EOF (whatever it is) will be left alone. 'remove' any trailing Ctrl-Z (EOF) characters will be removed. 'platform' use the current execution environment platform's default for EOF handling. The platforms have the following default EOF handling behaviors: EOF Handling unix remove dos asis windows asis mswin32 asis mac remove macos remove vms remove os2 asis netware asis cygwin asis network remove
- eof_mode;
Returns the current EOF mode ('
', 'remove
' or 'add
'). This is the actual mode rather than the mnemomic used for configuration.
2005 Benjamin Franz <>
Perl (Dual Artistic/GPL)
None known.
1.02 - 2004.05.04 Documentation and build test changes. No functional changes.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 12:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in ''platform│yes│no│mac│dos│unix│vms│netware│network│os2│cygwin','. Assuming UTF-8