CGI::Minimal - A lightweight CGI form processing pacakge


use CGI::Minimal;

my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;
if ($cgi->truncated) {
my ($form_field_value) = $cgi->param('some_field_name');


Provides a micro-weight alternative to the CPAN module

Rather than attempt to address every possible need of a CGI programmer, it provides the _minimum_ functions needed for CGI such as form decoding (including file upload forms), URL encoding and decoding, HTTP usable date generation (RFC1123 compliant dates) and _basic_ escaping and unescaping of HTMLized text.

The form decoding interface is somewhat compatible with the module. No provision is made for generating HTTP or HTML on your behalf - you are expected to be conversant with how to put together any HTML or HTTP you need.


1.09 19 Mar 2002 - Exposed 'reset_globals' static method for support
                   of non-mod_perl persistent perl execution environments.

1.08 26 Jul 2001 - Added 'raw' method for obtaining a dump of the raw input buffer data
                   without any parsing. Moved documentation into seperate POD file.

1.07 01 Dec 2000 - Added capability of taking a GET style parameter string
                        via STDIN if running at the command line.

1.06 10 Apr 2000 - 'Unfixed' use of 'quotemeta' for multipart
                   boundaries. 'split' is doing the 'wrong thing'
                   according to the specs...

1.05 03 Apr 2000 - Fixed breakage in 'param;' from 1.04 changes

1.04 03 Apr 2000 - Added capability to set params via the param() method
                        like '' plus general code cleanup

1.03 02 Mar 2000 - 'mod_perl' compatibility added

1.02 09 Jun 1999 - Initial public release.



Creates a new instance of the CGI::Minimal object and decodes any type of form (GET/POST). Only one 'true' object is generated - all subsequent calls return an alias of the one object (a 'Singleton' pattern).


use CGI::Minimal;

my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;

Called as $cgi->param(); it returns the list of all defined form fields in the same order they appear in the data from the user agent.

Called as $cgi->param($fieldname); it returns the value (or array of values for multiple occurances of the same field name) assigned to that $fieldname. If there is more than one value, the values are returned in the same order they appeared in the data from user agent.


my (@form_fields) = $cgi->param;

my (@multi_pick_field) = $cgi->param('pick_field_name');

my ($form_field_value) = $cgi->param('some_field_name');

You can also use the param method to set param values to new values. These values will be returned by any invokation of a CGI::Minimal object as if they had been found in the original passed data.


$cgi->param( 'name' => 'Joe Shmoe' );

$cgi->param({ 'name' => 'Joe Shmoe', 'birth_date' => '06/25/1966' });

$cgi->param({ 'pick_list' => ['01','05','07'] });

Called as $cgi->param_mime(); it returns the list of all defined form fields in the same order they appear in the data from the user agent.

Called as $cgi->param_mime($fieldname); it returns the MIME type (or array of MIME types for multiple occurances of the same field name) assigned to that $fieldname. If there is more than one value, the values are returned in the same order they appeared in the data from user agent.

This is only meaningful when doing Form Based File Uploads and should probably not be trusted even then since it depends on the _browser_ correctly identifying what it is sending.


Called as $cgi->param_filename(); it returns the list of all defined form fields in the same order they appear in the data from the user agent.

Called as $cgi->param_filename($fieldname); it returns the file name (or array of file names for multiple occurances of the same field name) assigned to that $fieldname. If there is more than one value, the values are returned in the same order they appeared in the data from user agent.

This is only meaningful when doing Form Based File Uploads.


Returns a copy of the raw form data. Returns 'undef' if the form has not been parsed yet.


Takes a unix time tick value and returns a RFC1123 compliant date as a formatted text string suitable for direct use in Expires, Last-Modified or other HTTP headers (with the exception of 'Set-Cookie', which requires a different format not generated here. See 'CGI::Cookie' for cookie generation).


print "Expires: ",$cgi->date_rfc1123(time + 3600),"\015\012";

Returns a formatted HTML table containing all the form and environment variables for debugging purposes


print $cgi->calling_parms_table;

Returns URL encoding of input string (URL unsafe codes are escaped to %xx form)


my $url_encoded_string = $cgi->url_encode($string);

Returns URL *decoding* of input string (%xx substitutions are decoded to their actual values).


my $url_decoded_string = $cgi->url_decode($string);

Returns HTML 'safe' encoding of input string. Replaces &,>,< and " with their named entity codes (&amp, &gt; &lt; and &quot;)


my $html_escaped_string = $cgi->htmlize($string);

Undoes basic HTML encoding of input string. Replaces &amp;, &gt;, &lt; and &quot; named entity codes with their actual values. NOT a general purpose entity decoder.


Returns '1' if the read form was shorter than the Content-Length that was specified by the submitting user agent (ie the data from a form uploaded by a web browser was cut off before all the data was received).

Returns '0' if the form was NOT truncated.


use CGI::Minimal;

my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;
if ($cgi->truncated) {
} else {

'truncated' will also return '1' if the form length received would have exceeded the set 'max_read_length'.



Sets the maximum number of bytes/octets that the CGI decoder will accept. By default, 1000000 bytes/octets. This must be called *BEFORE* calling 'new' for the first time for it to actually affect form decoding.


use CGI::Minimal;

my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;

Sets the CGI::Minimal object to it's initial state (the state it is in before calling 'new' for the first time in a CGI interaction)

This static method not needed if you are running CGI::Minimal either as a traditional CGI script or under mod_perl. In other persistent execution environments you need to call this static method _before_ calling ->new or the module will not 'forget' the data parameters passed from the last time it was executed.


use CGI::Minimal;

my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;

Note: This resets the the 'max_read_size' back to its default of 1_000_000 octets ('bytes'); so if you want to use a different size, you need to restore it after you do the 'reset_globals' call.


use CGI::Minimal;

my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;


None known.


Add regression tests.


Benjamin Franz <>


Version 1.09 19 Mar 2002


Copyright (c) Benjamin Franz 1999-2002. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.