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SOOT::Examples::Graph - SOOT Examples for Graph


This is a listing of all SOOT examples for Graph.


use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';

sub DrawSmooth;
sub _approx;

my $vC1;
my ($grxy, $grin, $grout);
my @obj;

# Macro to test interpolation function Approx()

# test data (square)
use constant n => 11;
my $x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,8,9,10];
my $y = [1,4,9,16,25,25,36,49,64,81,100];
$grxy = TGraph->new(n, $x, $y);

# x values, for which y values should be interpolated
my $xout = [1.2,1.7,2.5,3.2,4.4,5.2,5.7,6.5,7.6,8.3,9.7,10.4,11.3,13];

# create Canvas
$vC1 = TCanvas->new("vC1","square",200,10,700,700);

# initialize graph with data
$grin = TGraph->new(n,$x,$y);

# interpolate at equidistant points (use mean for tied x-values)
my $gs = TGraphSmooth->new("normal");
$grout = $gs->Approx($grin,"linear");
DrawSmooth(1,"Approx: ties = mean","X-axis","Y-axis");

# re-initialize graph with data (since graph points were set to unique vales)
$grin = TGraph->new(n,$x,$y);

# interpolate at given points xout
$grout = $gs->Approx($grin,"linear", scalar(@$xout), $xout, 0, 130);
DrawSmooth(2,"Approx: ties = mean","","");

# print output variables for given values xout
my $vNout = $grout->GetN();

#   Double_t vXout, vYout;
#   for (Int_t k=0;k<vNout;k++) {
#      $grout->GetPoint(k, vXout, vYout);
#      cout << "k= " << k << "  vXout[k]= " << vXout
#           << "  vYout[k]= " << vYout << endl;
#   }

# re-initialize graph with data
$grin = TGraph->new(n,$x,$y);

# interpolate at equidistant points (use min for tied x-values)
#   grout = $gs->Approx(grin,"linear", 50, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "min");
$grout = $gs->Approx($grin,"constant", 50, [0.0], 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.5, "min");

DrawSmooth(3,"Approx: ties = min","","");

# re-initialize graph with data
$grin = TGraph->new(n,$x,$y);

# interpolate at equidistant points (use max for tied x-values)
$grout = $gs->Approx($grin,"linear", scalar(@$xout), $xout, 0, 0, 2, 0, "max");
DrawSmooth(4,"Approx: ties = max","","");


sub DrawSmooth {
   my ($pad, $title, $xt, $yt) = @_;
   my $vFrame = $vC1->DrawFrame(0,0,15,150);
   push @obj, $vFrame; # hack to keep it alive until I fix the object ownership issue

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';


my $n = 10;
my $x    = [-0.22, 0.05, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.61,0.7,0.85,0.89,0.95];
my $y    = [1.,2.9,5.6,7.4,9,9.6,8.7,6.3,4.5,1];
my $exl  = [.05,.1,.07,.07,.04,.05,.06,.07,.08,.05];
my $eyl  = [.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8];
my $exh  = [.02,.08,.05,.05,.03,.03,.04,.05,.06,.03];
my $eyh  = [.6,.5,.4,.3,.2,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6];
my $exld = [.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0];
my $eyld = [.0,.0,.05,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0];
my $exhd = [.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0];
my $eyhd = [.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.05,.0];
my $gr = TGraphBentErrors->new($n,$x,$y,$exl,$exh,$eyl,$eyh,$exld,$exhd,$eyld,$eyhd);
$gr->SetTitle("TGraphBentErrors Example");

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT qw/:all/;

my $cv = exclusiongraph();

sub exclusiongraph {
     # Draw three graphs with an exclusion zone.
     #Author: Olivier Couet
     my $c1 = TCanvas->new("c1","Exclusion graphs examples",200,10,600,400);

     my $mg = TMultiGraph->new->keep;
     $mg->SetTitle("Exclusion graphs");

     my $n = 35;
     my (@x1, @x2, @x3, @y1, @y2, @y3);
     foreach my $i (0..$n-1) {
         $x1[$i] = $i*0.1;
         $x2[$i] = $x1[$i];
         $x3[$i] = $x1[$i]+.5;
         $y1[$i] = 10.*sin($x1[$i]||1e-12);
         $y2[$i] = 10.*cos($x1[$i])+1e-12;
         $y3[$i] = 10.*sin($x1[$i])-2.+1e-12;

     my $gr1 = TGraph->new($n,\@x1,\@y1)->keep;

     my $gr2 = TGraph->new($n,\@x2,\@y2)->keep;

     my $gr3 = TGraph->new($n,\@x3,\@y3)->keep;


     return $c1;

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT qw/:all/;


sub exclusiongraph2 {
    # Draw several graphs with an exclusion zones.
    #Author: Olivier Couet
    my $c = TCanvas->new("c",
        "Charged Higgs L300 Contour",0,0,700,700)->keep;

    my $frame = TH1F->new("frame","",1000,50,500)->keep;
    $frame->GetXaxis->SetTitle("m_{A} (GeV)");
    $frame->Draw(" ");

    my $gr1 = TGraph->new(10)->keep;
    my $tex = TLatex->new(140.841,37.9762,
        "#leftarrow t #rightarrow bH^{+}, H^{+} #rightarrow #tau#nu")->keep;

    my $gr2 = TGraph->new(15)->keep;
    $tex = TLatex->new(346.929,6.62281,"ATLAS")->keep;
    $tex = TLatex->new(328.341,5.24703,"#intLdt = 300 fb^{-1}")->keep;
    $tex = TLatex->new(340.463,4.1874,"Maximal mixing")->keep;
    $tex = TLatex->new(413.2,2.51608,"LEP 2000")->keep;

    my $gr3 = TGraph->new(10)->keep;
    $tex = TLatex->new(188.151,9.36035,
        "gb #rightarrow tH^{+}, H^{+} #rightarrow #tau#nu")->keep;

    my $gr4 = TGraph->new(10)->keep;
    $tex = TLatex->new(165.,1.15498,
        "gb #rightarrow tH^{+}, H^{+} #rightarrow tb")->keep;

    my $gr5 = TGraph->new(10)->keep;

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';

my $npoints = 3;
my $xaxis  = [1.,2.,3.];
my $yaxis  = [10.,20.,30.];
my $errorx = [0.5,0.5,0.5];
my $errory = [5.,5.,5.];
my $exl    = [0.5,0.5,0.5];
my $exh    = [0.5,0.5,0.5];
my $eyl    = [5.,5.,5.];
my $eyh    = [5.,5.,5.];

my $gr1 = TGraph->new($npoints,$xaxis,$yaxis);
my $gr2 = TGraphErrors->new($npoints,$xaxis,$yaxis,$errorx,$errory);
my $gr3 = TGraphAsymmErrors->new($npoints,$xaxis,$yaxis,$exl,$exh,$eyl,$eyh);
my $ff  = TF2->new("ff","-1./y");

my $c1 = TCanvas->new("c1","c1");
# TGraph

# TGraphErrors

# TGraphAsymmErrors



use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';

my @xa;
my @ya;

my $c1 = TCanvas->new("c1");

my $ng = 100;
my $kNMAX = 10000;

my $cursor = $kNMAX;
my $g = TGraph->new($ng);
my $x = 0.0;

while (1) {
  if ($cursor > $kNMAX-$ng) {
     foreach (0..$ng-1) {
       push @xa, $x;
       push @ya, sin($x);
       $x   += 0.1;
     $cursor = 0;
  else {
    $x += 0.1;
    push @xa, $x;
    push @ya, sin($x);
    my @nxa;
    my @nya;
    for my $i ($cursor..$cursor+$ng-1) {
      push @nxa, $xa[$i];
      push @nya, $ya[$i];
    $g->DrawGraph($ng, \@nxa, \@nya, "alp");

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';

# This script illustrates the danger of using asymmetric symbols
# Non-symmetric symbols should be used carefully in plotting. 
# These two graphs show how misleading a careless use of symbols can be. 
# The two plots represent the same data sets but because of a bad symbol choice,
# the two plots on the top appear further apart than for the bottom example.

my $Nph = 14;
my $np_ph  = [353.4,300.2,254.3,215.2,181.0,151.3,125.2,102.7, 83.3, 66.7, 52.5, 40.2, 30.2, 22.0];
my $nc_ph  = [3.890,3.734,3.592,3.453,3.342,3.247,3.151,3.047,2.965,2.858,2.701,2.599,2.486,2.328];
my $npe_ph = [10.068,9.004,8.086,7.304,6.620,6.026,5.504,5.054,4.666,4.334,4.050,3.804,3.604,3.440];
my $nce_ph = [0.235,0.217,0.210,0.206,0.213,0.223,0.239,0.260,0.283,0.318,0.356,0.405,0.465,0.545];

my $Nbr = 6;
my $np_br  = [357.0,306.0,239.0,168.0,114.0, 73.0];
my $nc_br  = [3.501,3.275,3.155,3.060,3.053,3.014];
my $npe_br = [8.000,11.000,10.000,9.000,9.000,8.000];
my $nce_br = [0.318,0.311,0.306,0.319,0.370,0.429];

my $phUP = TGraphErrors->new($Nph,$np_ph,$nc_ph,$npe_ph,$nce_ph);
my $phDN = TGraphErrors->new($Nph,$np_ph,$nc_ph,$npe_ph,$nce_ph);
my $brUP = TGraphErrors->new($Nbr,$np_br,$nc_br,$npe_br,$nce_br);
my $brDN = TGraphErrors->new($Nbr,$np_br,$nc_br,$npe_br,$nce_br);

my $Top_margin        = 0.;
my $Left_margin       = 0.025;
my $Right_margin      = 0.005;
my $maxPlotPart       = 395;
my $Marker_Size       = 1.3;
my $Marker_Style      = 8;

my $Et_200_Min        = 0.71;
my $Et_200_Max        = 3.80;
my $Et_130_Min        = 1.21;
my $Et_130_Max        = 3.29;

my $Nc_200_Min        = 1.31;
my $Nc_200_Max        = 4.30;
my $Nc_130_Min        = 1.51;
my $Nc_130_Max        = 3.89;

my $canvasNc = TCanvas->new("canvasNc", "Multiplicity",630,10,600,500);

# ------------>Primitives in Nc200 pad
my $padNcUP = TPad->new("padNcUP","200 GeV",0.07,0.60,1.,1.00);

my $frameNcUP = TH1F->new("frameNcUP","",100,0,$maxPlotPart);

$brUP->SetMarkerSize (2.0);

$phDN->SetMarkerSize (2);


# ------------>Primitives in Nc130 pad
my $padNcDN = TPad->new("padNcDN","130 GeV",0.07,0.02,1.,0.60);

my $frameNcDN = TH1F->new("frameNcDN","",100,0,$maxPlotPart);

$brDN->SetMarkerSize (2.0);
$phUP->SetMarkerSize (2);

my $t1 = TLatex->new();
$t1->DrawLatex(-5,0.6,"Non-symmetric symbols should be used carefully in plotting. These two graphs show how misleading");
$t1->DrawLatex(-5,0.4,"a careless use of symbols can be. The two plots represent the same data sets but because of a bad");
$t1->DrawLatex(-5,0.2,"symbol choice, the two plots on the top appear further apart than for the bottom example.");




use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';
use File::Spec;

# Macro to test scatterplot smoothers: ksmooth, lowess, supsmu
# as described in:
#    Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus, 3rd Edition
#    W.N. Venables and B.D. Ripley
#    Chapter 9: Smooth Regression, Figure 9.1 
# Example is a set of data on 133 observations of acceleration against time
# for a simulated motorcycle accident, taken from Silverman (1985).

# data taken from R library MASS: mcycle.txt
my $rootlib = Alien::ROOT->new->libdir;
my $inFile = shift
             || File::Spec->catfile($rootlib, '..', '..',
                                    qw(share doc root tutorials graphs motorcycle.dat));

# read file and add to fit object
my $x = [];
my $y = [];

my ($vX, $vY);
my $vNData = 0;

open INPUT, "$inFile" or die "Could not open $inFile"; 
while (<INPUT>) {
  ($vX,$vY) = split;
  push @$x, $vX*1.;
  push @$y, $vY*1.;
close INPUT;

my $grin = TGraph->new($vNData,$x,$y);

# draw graph
my $can = TCanvas->new("can","Smooth Regression",200,10,900,700);

# Kernel Smoother
# create new kernel smoother and smooth data with bandwidth = 2.0
my $gs = TGraphSmooth->new("normal");
my $grout = $gs->SmoothKern($grin,"normal",2.0);
DrawSmooth($can, $grin, $grout, 1, "Kernel Smoother: bandwidth = 2.0", "times", "accel");

# redraw ksmooth with bandwidth = 5.0
$grout = $gs->SmoothKern($grin,"normal",5.0);
DrawSmooth($can,$grin,$grout,2,"Kernel Smoother: bandwidth = 5.0","","");

# Lowess Smoother
# create new lowess smoother and smooth data with fraction f = 2/3
$grout = $gs->SmoothLowess($grin,"",0.67);
DrawSmooth($can,$grin,$grout,3,"Lowess: f = 2/3","","");

# redraw lowess with fraction f = 0.2
$grout = $gs->SmoothLowess($grin,"",0.2);
DrawSmooth($can,$grin,$grout,4,"Lowess: f = 0.2","","");

# Super Smoother
# create new super smoother and smooth data with default bass = 0 and span = 0
$grout = $gs->SmoothSuper($grin,"",0,0);
DrawSmooth($can,$grin,$grout,5,"Super Smoother: bass = 0","","");

# redraw supsmu with bass = 3 (smoother curve)
$grout = $gs->SmoothSuper($grin,"",3);
DrawSmooth($can,$grin,$grout,6,"Super Smoother: bass = 3","","");

sub DrawSmooth {
   my ($can, $grin, $grout, $pad, $title, $xt, $yt) = @_;
   my $vFrame = $can->DrawFrame(0,-130,60,70);


use strict;
use warnings;
use SOOT ':all';

my $c1 = TCanvas->new("c1","multigraph",200,10,700,500);

# draw a frame to define the range
my $mg = TMultiGraph->new();

# create first graph
my $n1 = 10;
my $x1  = [-0.1, 0.05, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.61,0.7,0.85,0.89,0.95];
my $y1  = [-1.,2.9,5.6,7.4,9,9.6,8.7,6.3,4.5,1];
my $ex1 = [.05,.1,.07,.07,.04,.05,.06,.07,.08,.05];
my $ey1 = [.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8];
my $gr1 = TGraphErrors->new($n1,$x1,$y1,$ex1,$ey1);

# create second graph
my $n2 = 10;
my $x2  = [-0.28, 0.005, 0.19, 0.29, 0.45, 0.56,0.65,0.80,0.90,1.01];
my $y2  = [2.1,3.86,7,9,10,10.55,9.64,7.26,5.42,2];
my $ex2 = [.04,.12,.08,.06,.05,.04,.07,.06,.08,.04];
my $ey2 = [.6,.8,.7,.4,.3,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7];
my $gr2 = TGraphErrors->new($n2,$x2,$y2,$ex2,$ey2);



 #force drawing of canvas to generate the fit TPaveStats
my $stats1 = $gr1->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
my $stats2 = $gr2->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
$stats1->SetX1NDC(0.12); $stats1->SetX2NDC(0.32); $stats1->SetY1NDC(0.75);
$stats2->SetX1NDC(0.72); $stats2->SetX2NDC(0.92); $stats2->SetY1NDC(0.78);





Steffen Mueller, <>


Copyright (C) 2010 by Steffen Mueller

SOOT, the Perl-ROOT wrapper, is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as ROOT itself, that is, the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the full license text is available from the distribution as the LICENSE file.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 467:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'plotting. '. Assuming CP1252