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Features of Content Compression for Different Web Clients

- tutorial on practical implementation of web content compression for mod_perl developers and system administrators of Apache-1.3.X. Version 0.02


Standard gzip compression significantly scales the bandwidth on HTTP/1.1, and helps to please clients, who receive the compressed content faster, especially on dialups. It's easy to explain to any executive how good it is for him to compress his web traffic.

  • On May 21, 2002 Peter J. Cranstone wrote to the mod_gzip mailing list: "..With 98% of the world on a dial up modem, all they care about is how long it takes to download a page. It doesn't matter if it consumes a few more CPU cycles if the customer is happy. It's cheaper to buy a newer faster box, than it is to acquire new customers.."

Indeed, the use of web compression is not that popular to date. My own observations show that there are only few content providers, who compress their traffic. I would mention Oracle as the leader, which covers a significant percent of its on-line documentation with gzip compression. On Yahoo there are few pages gzipped only. Even the US governmental sites do not use content compression. Why?

It is well known, that the success of the content compression depends on quality of both sides of the request-response transaction. Since on server side we have 6 open source modules/packages for web content compression (in alphabetic order):


the main problem deals with fact that some buggy web clients declare the ability to receive and decompress gzip data in their HTTP requests, but fail to keep promises when the response arrives really compressed. I would not consider the efforts of browser vendors sufficient these days. Traditionally they do not care enough to inform the network community about their decompression bugs, and necessity to patch. Indeed, the content providers traditionally have to care about their web clients adjusting own server side code. And it is a very common problem for any of mentioned compression modules.

Basically, we could benefit from the extraction of the client fix-up conditions out of each data compression module. It would be convenient to have only one fix-up module, common to all compression handlers. It should help to

·Share specific information;
·Simplify the control of every compression module;
·Wider reuse the code of the requests' correction;
·Simplify the upgrade of clients bug correction code.

Let's see how the Apache architecture helps to solve the problem.

Note: This approach does not require the immediate reengineering
      of existent compression modules.


Content compression details were standardized since HTTP/1.1 (see rfc2068). In accordance with the main idea, the client initially has to submit the header "Accept-Encoding: <list>" within the data request to allow server to reply (to the current request) with appropriately compressed data.

It's implied, that the server should refrain from replying with the data compressed, when the header "Accept-Encoding" is missed, or when no one type of available compressions matches the provided list.

According to our definition, the buggy web client is a guy who declares the ability to receive and decompress gzip data in HTTP requests, but fails to keep promises when the response arrives really compressed. Dealing with buggy web clients we may say, that those guys just send the header "Accept-Encoding" improperly (because they'd better never do that). Fortunately, we can fix this up for them in most cases editing $r->header_in('Accept-Encoding') appropriately prior to implementation of our favorite compression handler.

Any early stage of the request proccessing is good for that as long as the following stages do not alter this header. The Fix-Up stage is the most appropriate in terms of Apache architecture. It is the last perl hook followed by the content generation phase.

  • Remark 1: There are still few (old experimental) HTTP/1.0 clients capable to decompress some modern compression formats. Should we count on them providing compression for HTTP/1.0 sometimes? I have good reasons to refrain from doing that.

    Remark 2: Being lucky to use mod_perl for integration projects, I'm wondering about extra complexities (we might face in future), resulted from the use of extended CGI/1.1 in real applications. Definitely, CGI/1.1 does not make our life easier...

    Remark 3: One more source of complexity comes from the relations of browser vendors with the browser-plug-in vendors. Who should care about the decompression of the data coming to the plug-in? The conventional philosophy sounds this way: When data is ordered by the browser for the particular plug-in, the name of that plug-in should be mentioned in "User-Agent" HTTP header anyway (for the current request); When the browser does not provide the control over the request's HTTP headers for the particular plug-in, the browser should care fully about the real format of data being transferred to that plug-in. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be a regular practice to date.


The following list is compiled in alphabetical order. Please, send me a message if you find something new/incorrect.


Fails to provide Mozilla version.

mask of User-Agent = "Galeon)"

Fails to decompress and display data.

(by Igor Sysoev)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.X

mask of User-Agent = "MSIE 4"

Fails to decompress GET data when

$r->header_in('Range') > 0
length($r->uri) > 253

(by Igor Sysoev)

Fails to decompress the response to POST request.

(by Alvar C.H. Freude)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

mask of User-Agent = "MSIE 6.0"

Fails to decompress the response on SSL connection (when refresh).

The issue comes from:

Q: When I press "refresh" on my IE6 browser, the page is getting corrupted!

A: Unfortunately, IE6 (and perhaps earlier versions?) appears to have a bug with gzip over SSL where the first 2048 characters are not included in the HTML rendering of the page when refresh is pressed. It only seems to happen on longish pages, and not when the page is first loaded. In fact, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. The only current solution is to put a 2048 character comment at the start of your longish pages of all spaces (which compresses pretty well, fortunately).

(by missed source)

Netscape 4.XX

mask of User-Agent = "Mozilla/4." with no "compatible"

Netscape 4.XX is failing to
a) handle <script> referencing compressed JavaScript files (Content-Type: application/x-javascript)
b) handle <link>   referencing compressed CSS files (Content-Type: text/css)
c) display the source code of compressed HTML files
d) print compressed HTML files

(by Michael Schroepl)


Fails to provide Mozilla version.

mask of User-Agent = "SkipStone)"

Fails to decompress and display data.

(by Igor Sysoev)


Let's create an easy editable handler for the Fix-Up stage of the request processing.

We need to be as specific as possible about the declined clients. Otherwise we risk to decrease the efficiency of web compression on our server.

Create new project with

h2xs -A -X -n Apache::CompressClientFixup

Edit to

Examle Handler

  package Apache::CompressClientFixup;

  use 5.004;
  use strict;
  use Apache::Constants qw(OK DECLINED);
  use Apache::Log();
  use Apache::URI();

  use vars qw($VERSION);
  $VERSION = "0.01";

  sub handler {
	my $r = shift;
	return DECLINED unless $r->header_in('Accept-Encoding') =~ /gzip/io; # have nothing to downgrade

	# since the compression is ordered we have a job:

	if ($r->protocol =~ /http\/1\.0/io) {
		# it is not supposed to be compressed:
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /MSIE 4\./o) {
		if ($r->method =~ /POST/io) {
			return OK;
		if ($r->header_in('Range')) {
			return OK;
		if (length($r->uri) > 245) {
		return OK;
	my $uri_ref = Apache::URI->parse($r);
	if (($uri_ref->scheme() =~ /https/io) and ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /MSIE 6\.0/o)) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('Via') =~ /^1\.1\s/o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('Via') =~ /^Squid\//o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /Galeon\)/o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /Mozilla\/4\.78/o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /Opera 3\.5/o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /SkipStone\)/o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /w3m\/0\.2\.1/o) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /Mozilla\/4\.79/o) {
		# there are some features for this agent:
		# uncomment the following branch if you wish to have your content
		# printable on Netscape Navigator 4.79:
		# $r->headers_in->unset('Accept-Encoding');
		# return OK;
		# keep the following lines uncommented anyway:
		if (($r->content_type =~ /application\/x-javascript/io) or ($r->content_type =~ /text\/css/io)) {
		return OK;
	if (($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /Mozilla\/4\.0/o) and (!($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /compatible/io))) {
		return OK;
	if ($r->header_in('User-Agent') =~ /Lynx\/2\.8\.4rel\.1 libwww-FM\/2\.14 SSL-MM\/1\.4\.1 OpenSSL\/0\.9\.6b/o) {
		return OK;



There are no needs to validate the content-type for plug-ins, if you can separate those sources, and to place them in uncompressed area on your server. These days it seems to be the most effective way, because the information about plud-ins is still insufficient.

You know, there is more than one way to configure this Apache handler. To make the preview of this tutorial available for discussion I use for example

PerlModule Apache::CompressClientFixup
  <Location /devdoc/Dynagzip>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlFixupHandler Apache::CompressClientFixup
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from All

providing dynamic gzip compression with

PerlModule Apache::Dynagzip
  <Files ~ "*\.html">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Dynagzip

So far, the should not be viewable with buggy clients...


You don't need to copy this Apache::CompressClientFixup handler line-by-line. You might wish better to install the last version from CPAN and make your own edition in accordance with your very own needs.

This solution is fully compatible with


It might be helpful for C-written


on mod_perl enabled Apache.

HELPFUL RESOURCES - rfc search by number (+ index list) CGI/1.1 rfc - Igor Sysoev's Site (Russian) - Michael Schroepl's Site


Slava Bizyayev <> - Freelance Software Developer & Consultant.

Copyright (C) 2002 Slava Bizyayev. All rights reserved.

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1:

Unknown directive: =doc

Around line 15:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 36:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '·Apache::Compress'. Assuming CP1252

Around line 95:

'=item' outside of any '=over'