Net::Posterous - read and post from Posterous blogs
my $api = Net::Posterous->new($user, $pass);
# Get a list of sites the user owns as Net::Posterous::Site objects
my @sites = $api->get_sites;
# Set the site to use
# Create a post
my $post = Net::Posterous::Post->new(%opts);
my $res = $api->post($post);
# Update the post
$post->title("New Title");
my $res = $api->post($post);
# Get a list of posts
my @posts = $api->get_posts;
# Get an individual post using the shortcode
# i.e 123abc in
my $post = $api->get_post($post->short_code);
# Get a list of tags
my @tags = $api->get_tags;
# Create a post with an video attached
my $video = Net::Posterous::Media::Local->new(file => $path_to_movie);
my $vpost = Net::Posterous::Media::Post->new( title => "My movie", media => $video );
my $res = $api->post($vpost);
# Create a post with a flipbook of pictures
my @images = map { Net::Posterous::Media::Local->new(file => $_) } qw(1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg);
my $ipost = Net::Posterous::Media::Post->new( title => "My flipbook", media => \@images );
my $res = $api->post($ipost);
# Add a comment
my $comment = Net::Posterous::Comment->new( body => "Nice flipbook!" );
my $res = $api->comment($ipost, $comment);
This allows reading a writing from Posterous sites.
It's very similar to the Posterous
module but:
new <username> <password> [site]
Create a new client object.
Requires a username and a password.
Optionally you can pass in either a site id or a Net::Posterous::Site
object to specify which site to read/write from.
If it's not passed in then it can be passed in later or your default site will be used.
site [site]
Get or set the current site being used.
May return undef.
site_from_id <id>
Return a Net::Posterous::Site
object based on a site id.
Returns undef if the site can't be found.
Get a list of all the user's sites.
get_posts [opt[s]]
Get the posts from a site.
Uses, in order - the site passed in using the option key site
, the site set by the user, the default site.
The options are
- site_id
The id of the site to read from
- hostname
Subdomain of the site to read from
- num_posts
How many posts you want. Default is 10, max is 50.
- page
What 'page' you want (based on num_posts). Default is 1
- tag
Only get items with this tag.
get_post <short code>
Get an id via the short code i.e 123abc in
get_tags [opt[s]]
Get a list of tags for a site.
Uses, in order - the site passed in using the option key site
, the site set by the user, the default site.
The options are
- site_id
Optional. Id of the site to read from
- hostname
Optional. Subdomain of the site to read from
post <post> [opt[s]]
Post or update a Net::Posterous::Post
or <Net::Posterous::Media> object.
Uses, in order - the site passed in using the option key site
, the site set by the user, the default site.
comment <post> <comment>
Add a comment to the post.
Get or set the last error
The way to add media is to create a new Net::Posterous::Media::Local
file and then add that to the Net::Posterous::Post
object that's going to be created or updated.
It will then be turned into a proper Net::Posterous::Media
object when the Post is retrieved.
The Posterous API docs mention being able to post "common document formats" but there's no docs for it.
I'll add it when I come across it.
The latest code for this module can be found at
Simon Wistow, <
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-posterous at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Posterous
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Copyright 2010 Simon Wistow, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.