Net::OAuth::Simple - a simple wrapper round the OAuth protocol


First create a sub class of Net::OAuth::Simple that will do you requests for you.

package Net::AppThatUsesOAuth;

use strict;
use base qw(Net::OAuth::Simple);

sub new {
    my $class  = shift;
    my %tokens = @_;
    return $class->SUPER::new( tokens => \%tokens, 
                               urls   => {
                                    authorization_url => ...,
                                    request_token_url => ...,
                                    access_token_url  => ...,

sub view_restricted_resource {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->make_restricted_request($url, 'GET');

sub update_restricted_resource {
    my $self = shift
    return $self->make_restricted_request($url, 'POST', %extra_params);    

Then in your main app you need to do

# Get the tokens from the command line, a config file or wherever 
my %tokens  = get_tokens(); 
my $app     = Net::AppThatUsesOAuth->new(%tokens);

# Check to see we have a consumer key and secret
unless ($app->consumer_key && $app->consumer_key) {
    die "You must go get a consumer key and secret from App\n";

# If the app is authorized (i.e has an access token and secret)
# Then look at a restricted resourse
if ($app->authorized) {
    my $response = $app->view_restricted_resource;
    print $response->content."\n";

# Otherwise the user needs to go get an access token and secret
print "Go to ".$app->get_authorization_url."\n";
print "Then hit return after\n";

my ($access_token, $access_token_secret) = $app->request_access_token;

# Now save those values

Note the flow will be somewhat different for web apps since the request token and secret will need to be saved whilst the user visits the authorization url.

For examples go look at the Net::FireEagle module and the fireeagle command line script that ships with it. Also in the same distribution in the examples/ directory is a sample web app.


new [params]

Create a new OAuth enabled app - takes a hash of params.

One of the keys of the hash must be tokens, the value of which must be a hash ref with the keys:


Then, when you have your per-use access token and secret you can supply


Another key of the hash must be urls, the value of which must be a hash ref with the keys



Whether the client has the necessary credentials to be authorized.

Note that the credentials may be wrong and so the request may still fail.

signature_method [method]

The signature method to use.

Defaults to HMAC-SHA1


Get all the tokens.

consumer_key [consumer key]

Returns the current consumer key.

Can optionally set the consumer key.

consumer_secret [consumer secret]

Returns the current consumer secret.

Can optionally set the consumer secret.

access_token [access_token]

Returns the current access token.

Can optionally set a new token.

access_token_secret [access_token_secret]

Returns the current access token secret.

Can optionally set a new secret.

request_token [request_token]

Returns the current request token.

Can optionally set a new token.

request_token_secret [request_token_secret]

Returns the current request token secret.

Can optionally set a new secret.


Get the url the user needs to visit to authorize as a URI object.

Note: this is the base url - not the full url with the necessary OAuth params.


Get the url to obtain a request token as a URI object.


Get the url to obtain an access token as a URI object.


Request the access token and access token secret for this user.

The user must have authorized this app at the url given by get_authorization_url first.

Returns the access token and access token secret but also sets them internally so that after calling this method you can immediately call location or update_location.


Request the request token and request token secret for this user.

This is called automatically by get_authorization_url if necessary.

get_authorization_url [param[s]]

Get the URL to authorize a user as a URI object.

If you pass in a hash of params then they will added as parameters to the URL.

make_restricted_request <url> <HTTP method> [extra[s]]

Make a request to url using the given HTTP method.

Any extra parameters can be passed in as a hash.

load_tokens <file>

A convenience method for loading tokens from a config file.

Returns a hash with the token names suitable for passing to new().

Returns an empty hash if the file doesn't exist.

save_tokens <file> [token[s]]

A convenience method to save a hash of tokens out to the given file.


If Math::Random::MT is installed then any nonces generated will use a Mersenne Twiser instead of Perl's built in randomness function.


Non known


The latest code for this module can be found at


Simon Wistow, < >


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-oauth-simple at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::OAuth::Simple

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2009 Simon Wistow, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.