Net::Google::Calendar::WebContent - handle web content


Web content can be images ...

my $content = Net::Google::Calendar::WebContent->new(
    title      => 'World Cup',
    href       => '',
    webContent => {
        url    => "" 
        width  => 276,
        height => 120,
        type   => 'image/gif',

or html ...

my $content = Net::Google::Calendar::WebContent->new(
    title      => 'Embedded HTML',
    href       => '',
    webContent => {
        url    => "" 
        width  => 276,
        height => 120,
        type   => 'text/html',

or special Google Gadgets (

my $content = Net::Google::Calendar::WebContent->new(
    title      => 'DateTime Gadget (a classic!)',
    href       => '',
    webContent => {
        url    => '',
        width  => 300,
        height => 136,
        type   => 'application/x-google-gadgets+xml',

or my $content = Net::Google::Calendar::WebContent->new( title => 'Word of the Day', href => '', ); $content->webContent( url => '', width => 300, height => 136, type => 'application/x-google-gadgets+xml', prefs => { Days => 1, Format => 0 }, );

(note the ability to set webContentGadgetPrefs using the special prefs attribute).