Changes for version 0.17_7

  • Completed test coverage for Driver and below

Changes for version 0.17_6

  • Fixed test dependency on Color::Calc

Changes for version 0.17_5

  • Fixed ActionDispatch test TABLES parameter was not made mandatory in DBI driver.

Changes for version 0.17_4

  • Fixed dependency on Test::More - must be at least version 0.90. Added more tests documentation. Fixed handling of custom filters - now they must have a $param and a $value. Incorporated Christian Walde's suggested changes for compatibility with CGI::Application::Plugin::ActionDispatch.

Changes for version 0.17_3 - 2010-02-13

  • Bug Fixes Adding tests around the HTML generated by the login_box function and verifying that it is taint free. Upped requiredment on CGI to 3.11 as that seems to cause unusual behaviour in returning self referring urls. Further upped requirement on CGI to 3.16 as 3.15 has a buggy interpretation of redirection headers. Fixed regular expressions in destination test to respect HTTP header CRLF conventions.


Authentication framework for CGI::Application
Base module for building driver classes for CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication
Dummy Authentication driver which lets anyone authenticate regardless of the password they provide
Filter that strips whitespace from the beginning and end of the string
Base module for building storage classes for the CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication plugin