Changes for version 0.01_06 - 2010-09-05
- updated/fix the doc
Changes for version 0.01_05 - 2010-09-05
- updated/fix the doc
- created new tests
- created new doc
- added some new feature to WebService::GData: private
Changes for version 0.01_04 - 2010-09-02
- updated/fix the doc
- created new tests
- created new doc
- added some new feature to WebService::GData::Query: install/disable These functions will be used in sub classes to create easily the methods. It will also try to call _FUNC_NAME_is_valid before setting the value.
- modified install_in_package to accept an optional package
Changes for version 0.01_03 - 2010-09-02
- updated the doc
- created new tests
Changes for version 0.01_02 - 2010-09-02
- updated the doc
- created tests for WebService::GData
Changes for version 0.01_01 - 2010-09-01
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -AX -n WebService::GData -b 5.8.8
- !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!
Google data protocol v2 base object to inherit from.
core read/write methods for google data API v2.
implements ClientLogin authorization for google data related APIs v2.
constants (namespaces,format,services...) used for Google data APIs.
create an error and parse errors from Google data APIs v2.
Wrap an xml error sent back by Google data APIs v2.
Abstract class wrapping json atom feed for google data API v2.
Abstract class wrapping json atom feed entry tag for google data API v2.
implements the core query parameters available in the google data API v2.
Access YouTube contents(read/write) with API v2.
a Video YouTube contents(read/write) for data API v2.
implements the core query parameters available in YouTube Service API v2.
in lib/WebService/GData/
in lib/WebService/GData/Batch/
in lib/WebService/GData/Batch/
in lib/WebService/GData/YouTube/
in lib/WebService/GData/YouTube/
in lib/WebService/GData/YouTube/Feed/
in lib/WebService/GData/YouTube/Feed/
in lib/WebService/GData/YouTube/Feed/