
This method reads through the associated tab delimited file, and then returns a reference to an array of data that corresponds to the requested data line. A requestedRowNum of zero means the first data line. If no data line corresponds to the requested row number, it will return undef.


my $lineRef = $self->_dataLine($num);


This method is either used to retrieve the current data line number. It will return -1 if the file being read has had no rows read.


my $currentRow = $self->__currFileDataRow;


This method is used to set the current data line number.




This protected method takes a scalar by reference, that is a line from a tab delimited file, and returns, by reference, an array that contains the chomped and split data from the line.


my $lineRef = $self->_arrayRefForLine(\$line);


This protected method returns a boolean, to indicate whether meta data has been recorded for a particular row in the tab delimited file.

Usage :

if ($self->_metaDataRecorded($row)){ #blah }


This protected method records that meta data has been recorded for a particular row in the tab delimited file.

Usage :



This polymorphic setter/getter method returns a reference to an array containing the column names (only of the data columns) from the original pcl file. If a new array reference is provided, it will rename the columns.


my $columnNamesArrayRef = $self->columnNamesArrayRef;


This method is used to print out a row of data to a file. It prints to the passed in file handle. It will only print information for those valid columns. If the $extraInfo variable is true (ie a non-zero value) it will print the extra info interleaved between each column of data. The extra info comes from the 2D hash whose reference is passed in. This method is implemented as required by its superclass, anySizeDataMatrix.

Usage :

$self->_printRow($fh, $row, $dataRef, $validColumnsArrayRef, $hasExtraInfo, $extraInfoHashRef);


Gavin Sherlock
