0.1 : Initial release
0.2 : Added in code such that the client can determine which genes in the provided to findTerms were annotated to the nodes that were treated as hypotheses.
0.21 : Fix for situation when a gene identifier wasn't recognized, but wasn't handled properly - thanks to Shuai Weng for bring it to my attention.
Cleaned up the code that calculates the p-values to make it
easier to write a test-suite, which will allow me to make other
desired changes with more confidence.
This package is intended to provide a method whereby the P-values of a set of GO annotations can be determined for a set of genes, based on the number of genes that exist in the particular genome, and their annotation, and the frequency with which the GO nodes are annotated across the provided set of genes. The P-value is simply calculated using either the hypergeometric, or the binomial distribution, as the probability of x or more out of n genes having a given annotation, given that G of N have that annotation in the genome in general. The hypergeometric distribution (sampling without replacement) is more accurate, though slower to calculate the the binomial distibution (sampling with replacement).
In addition, a corrected p-value is also calculated, to correct for multiple hypothesis testing. From the sub-graph of GO nodes that are considered as hypotheses (any nodes with 2 or more annotations from the list of genes to be considered), the minimal set of nodes is determined from which all other hypotheses (nodes and annotations) can be inferred. Their number is then used to multiply the calculated p-values, to generate corrected p-values. The client has access to both the corrected an uncorrected values. This is done instead of simple Bonferroni correction, because the hypotheses are not independent of one another.
The general idea is that a list of genes may have been identified for some reason, e.g. they are coregulated, and TermFinder can be used to found out if any nodes annotate the set of genes to a level which is extremely improbable if the genes had simply been picked at random.
On the day that I finished the code, BioPerl 1.2 was released, which appears to have some Ontology parsing code that is better than mine, which uses the Graph module on CPAN to implement the DAG structure of GO. The Graph module provides a richer set of methods for querying the structure, though the BioPerl implementation does not appear to have all the things I want. Anyway, converting my code to use the BioPerl Ontology stuff is probably a good goal, as the modules in their appear to have been somewhat better conceived in terms of their relationships to each other. I did not notice anything to do with providing annotations, so my GO::AnnotationProvider::AnnotationParser may still be of use. We will see....
May want the client to decide the behaviour for ambiguous names, rather than having it hard coded (eg always ignore; use if standard name (current implementation); use all databaseIds for the ambiguous name; decide on a case by case basis (potentially useful if running on command line)).
Would probably be a good idea to use the Math::BigInt module to deal with the factorials and nChooser calculations, so that they are more accurate, rather than the log versions that I currently have. The latest version of Math::BigInt has a C implementation underneath, that may even speed it up a little.
Instance Constructor
This is the constructor. It expects to be passed named arguments for an annotationProvider, an ontologyProvider, and how many genes in total exist. In addition, it must be told the aspect of the ontology provider, so that it knows how to query the annotationProvider.
Usage :
my $termFinder = GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotationProvider,
ontologyProvider => $ontologyProvider,
totalNumGenes => $num,
aspect => <P|C|F>);
Instance Methods
This method returns an array of hash references that indicates what terms can annotate the list of genes with what P-value. The contents of the hashes in the returned array are:
key value
PVALUE The P-value for having the observed number of
annotations that the provided list of genes
has to that node
by the number of nodes in the minimal set
of hypotheses from which all other
hypotheses can be generated. A hypothesis
is any node to which 2 or more genes in the
supplied list are annotated, either
directly or indirectly. The minimal subset
of hypotheses from which all others can be
constructed consists of the union of the
following classes of node:
1). Leaf hypotheses (i.e. hypotheses which
have no children that were tested as hypotheses).
2). Hypotheses that have at least one non-hypothesis
child with an annotation.
3). Hypotheses with direct annotation.
NUM_ANNOTATIONS The number of genes within the provided list that
are annotated to the node.
TOTAL_NUM_ANNOTATIONS The number of genes across the genome
annotated to the node
ANNOTATED_GENES A hash reference, whose keys are the
databaseIds that are annotated to the node,
and whose values are the original name
supplied to the findTerms() method.
The entries are sorted by increasing p-value (ie least likely is first).
This method expects to be passed, by reference, a list of gene names for which terms will be found. If a passed in name is ambiguous (see AnnotationProvider), then the following will occur:
1) If the name can be used as a standard name, it will assume that
it is that.
2) Otherwise it will not use it.
Currently a warning will be printed to STDOUT in the case of an ambiguous name being used.
The passed in gene names are converted into a list of databaseIds. If a gene does not map to a databaseId, then an undef is put in the list - however, if the same gene name, which does not map to a databaseId, is used twice then it will produce only one undef in the list. If more than one gene name maps to the same databaseId (either because you used the same name twice, or you used an alias as well), then that databaseId is only put into the list once, and a warning is printed.
If a gene name does not have any information returned from the AnnotationProvider, then it is assumed that the gene is entirely unannotated. For these purposes, TermFinder annotates such genes to the root node (Gene_Ontology), its immediate child (which indicates the aspect of the ontology (such as biological_process), and a dummy go node, corresponding to unannotated. This node will have a goid of 'GO:XXXXXXX', and a term name of 'unannotated'. No other information will be set up for this GO::Node, so you should not count on being able to retrieve it. What it does mean is that you can determine if the predominant feature of a set of genes is that they have no annotation.
If more genes are provided that have been indicated exist in the genome (as provided during object construction), then an error message will be printed out, and an empty list will be returned.
my @pvalueStructures = $termFinder->findTerms(genes=>\@genes);
my $hypothesis = 1;
foreach my $pvalue (@pvalueStructures){
print "-- $hypothesis of ", scalar @pvalueStructures, "--\n",
"GOID\t", $pvalue->{NODE}->goid, "\n",
"TERM\t", $pvalue->{NODE}->term, "\n",
"P-VALUE\t", $pvalue->{PVALUE}, "\n",
"NUM_ANNOTATIONS\t", $pvalue->{NUM_ANNOTATIONS}, " (of ", $pvalue->{TOTAL_NUM_ANNOTATIONS}, ")\n",
"ANNOTATED_GENES\t", join(", ", values (%{$pvalue->{ANNOTATED_GENES}})), "\n\n";
Returns the aspect with the the GO::TermFinder object was constructed.
my $aspect = $termFinder->aspect;
Gavin Sherlock;
Elizabeth Boyle;