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Apache2::Cookie, Apache2::Cookie::Jar - HTTP Cookies Class


use Apache2::Cookie;

$j = Apache2::Cookie::Jar->new($r);
$c_in = $j->cookies("foo");         # get cookie from request headers

$c_out = Apache2::Cookie->new($r,
                              -name  => "mycookie",
                              -value => $c_in->name );

$c_out->path("/bar");               # set path to "/bar"
$c_out->bake($r);                   # send cookie in response headers


The Apache2::Cookie module is based on the original 1.X versions, which mimic the CGI::Cookie API. The current version of this module includes several packages and methods which are patterned after Apache2::Request, yet remain largely backwards-compatible with the original 1.X API (see the "PORTING from 1.X" section below for known issues).

This manpage documents the Apache2::Cookie and Apache2::Cookie::Jar packages.


This class collects Apache2::Cookie objects into a lookup table. It plays the same role for accessing the incoming cookies as Apache2::Request does for accessing the incoming params and file uploads.



Class method that retrieves the parsed cookie jar from the current environment.



Retrieve cookies named $key with from the jar object. In scalar context the first such cookie is returned, and in list context the full list of such cookies are returned.

If the $key argument is omitted, scalar $jar->cookies() will return an APR::Request::Cookie::Table object containing all the cookies in the jar. Modifications to the this object will affect the jar's internal cookies table in apreq_jar_t, so their impact will be noticed by all libapreq2 applications during this request.

In list context $jar->cookies() returns the list of names for all the cookies in the jar. The order corresponds to the order in which the cookies appeared in the incoming "Cookie" header.

This method will throw an APR::Request::Error object into $@ if the returned value(s) could be unreliable. In particular, note that scalar $jar->cookies("foo") will not croak if it can locate the a "foo" cookie within the jar's parsed cookie table, even if the cookie parser has failed (the cookies are parsed in the same order as they appeared in the "Cookie" header). In all other circumstances cookies will croak if the parser failed to successfully parse the "Cookie" header.

$c = Apache2::Cookie->new($r, name => "foo", value => 3);

$cookie = $j->cookies("foo");  # first foo cookie
@cookies = $j->cookies("foo"); # all foo cookies
@names = $j->cookies();        # all cookie names



Get the APR status code of the cookie parser: APR_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.



Apache2::Cookie->new($env, %args)

Just like CGI::Cookie::new, but requires an additional environment argument:

$cookie = Apache2::Cookie->new($r,
                         -name    =>  'foo',
                         -value   =>  'bar',
                         -expires =>  '+3M',
                         -domain  =>  '',
                         -path    =>  '/cgi-bin/database',
                         -secure  =>  1

The -value argument may be either an arrayref, a hashref, or a string. Apache2::Cookie::freeze encodes this argument into the cookie's raw value.



Helper function (for new) that serializes a new cookie's value in a manner compatible with CGI::Cookie (and Apache2::Cookie 1.X). This class method accepts an arrayref, hashref, or normal perl string in $value.

$value = Apache2::Cookie->freeze(["2+2", "=4"]);



This is the helper method (for value) responsible for decoding the raw value of a cookie. An optional argument $value may be used in place of the cookie's raw value. This method can also decode cookie values created using CGI::Cookie or Apache2::Cookie 1.X.

print $cookie->thaw;                    # prints "bar"
@values = Apache2::Cookie->thaw($value); # ( "2+2", "=4" )



Format the cookie object as a string. The quote-operator for Apache2::Cookie is overloaded to run this method whenever a cookie appears in quotes.

ok "$cookie" eq $cookie->as_string;



Get the name of the cookie.



Get the (unswizzled) value of the cookie:

my $value = $cookie->value;
my @values = $cookie->value;

Note: if the cookie's value was created using a freeze method, one way to reconstitute the object is by subclassing Apache2::Cookie with a package that provides the associated thaw sub:

    package My::COOKIE;
    @ISA = 'Apache2::Cookie';
    sub thaw { my $val = shift->raw_value; $val =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $val }

bless $cookie, "My::COOKIE";

ok $cookie->value eq "BAR";



Gets the raw (opaque) value string as it appears in the incoming "Cookie" header.

ok $cookie->raw_value eq "bar";



Adds a Set-Cookie header to the outgoing headers table.



Adds a Set-Cookie2 header to the outgoing headers table.



Get or set the domain for the cookie:

$domain = $cookie->domain;



Get or set the path for the cookie:

$path = $cookie->path;



Get or set the cookie version for this cookie. Netscape spec cookies have version = 0; RFC-compliant cookies have version = 1.

ok $cookie->version == 0;
ok $cookie->version == 1;



Get or set the future expire time for the cookie. When assigning, the new value ($set) should match /^\+?(\d+)([YMDhms]?)$/ $2 qualifies the number in $1 as representing "Y"ears, "M"onths, "D"ays, "h"ours, "m"inutes, or "s"econds (if the qualifier is omitted, the number is interpreted as representing seconds). As a special case, $set = "now" is equivalent to $set = "0".

my $expires = $cookie->expires;
$cookie->expires("+3h"); # cookie is set to expire in 3 hours



Get or set the secure flag for the cookie:

$is_secure = $cookie->secure;



Get or set the HttpOnly flag for the cookie:

$is_HttpOnly = $cookie->httponly;



Get or set the comment field of an RFC (Version > 0) cookie.

$cookie->comment("Never eat yellow snow");
print $cookie->comment;



Get or set the commentURL field of an RFC (Version > 0) cookie.

print $cookie->commentURL;



Fetch and parse the incoming Cookie header:

my $cookies = Apache2::Cookie->fetch($r); # APR::Request::Cookie::Table ref

It should be noted, that with perl 5.8+ Iterator magic, table is able
to handle multiple cookies of the same name.

my %cookies = Apache2::Cookie->fetch($r);

PORTING from 1.X

Changes to the 1.X API:

  • Apache2::Cookie::fetch now expects an $r object as (second) argument, although this isn't necessary in mod_perl 2 if Apache2::RequestUtil is loaded and 'PerlOptions +GlobalRequest' is in effect.

  • Apache2::Cookie::parse is gone.

  • Apache2::Cookie::new no longer encodes the supplied cookie name.

  • Apache2::Cookie::new() returns undef if -value is not specified or -value => undef.

  • name() and value() no longer accept a "set" argument. In other words, neither a cookie's name, nor its value, may be modified. A new cookie should be made instead.


Apache2::Request, APR::Request::Cookie, APR::Request::Error, CGI::Cookie(3)


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