VERSION 0.07, 27 JUNE 2017
RT #122245: Syntax error in Synopsis: nested double quotes
VERSION 0.06, 27 JUNE 2017
RT #122223 Fix failing POD. Replaced Any::Moose with Moo.
VERSION 0.05, 25 JUNE 2017
Fixed tests RT #121978 MYMETA must not be included
VERSION 0.04, 06 DECEMBER 2016
Added does_jpath_contains method to Test::JSON::Assert, fixed does_jpath_contains in JSON::Assert
VERSION 0.03, 15 MAY 2015
Replaced smartmatches with matches
VERSION 0.02, 14 MAY 2015
Fixed unit tests, updated copyright info
VERSION 0.01, 22 JANUARY 2014
Cloned from XML::Assert, with XML specific features removed.