Bio::Tools::SiRNA::Ruleset::saigo - Perl object implementing the Saigo group's rules for designing small inhibitory RNAs


Do not use this module directly. Instead, use Bio::Tools::SiRNA and specify the saigo ruleset:

use Bio::Tools::SiRNA;

my $sirna_designer = Bio::Tools::SiRNA->new( -target => $bio_seq,
                                             -rules  => 'saigo'
my @pairs = $sirna_designer->design;

foreach $pair (@pairs) {
    my $sense_oligo_sequence = $pair->sense->seq;
    my $antisense_oligo_sequence = $pair->antisense->seq;

    # print out results
    print join ("\t", $pair->start, $pair->end, $pair->rank,
                $sense_oligo_sequence, $antisense_oligo_sequence), "\n";


This package implements the rules for designing siRNA reagents published by Ui-Tei et al (2004). The rules are:

  1. The first base in the sense strand of the duplex must be a G or C

  2. The first base in the antisense strand of the duplex must be an A or U

  3. The first 7 nucleotides in the antisense strand of the duplex must be A or U

  4. There cannot be more than 9 consecutive G or C nucleotides

  5. The first 12 nucleotides in the sense strand of the duplex should have 33-66% GC

The module inherits from Bio::Tools::SiRNA. See the documentation for that module for information on how to specify the target and recover the SiRNA duplex information.




Bio::Tools::SiRNA, Bio::SeqFeature::SiRNA::Pair, Bio::SeqFeature::SiRNA::Oligo.


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Donald Jackson (


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title	: new
Usage  : Do not call directly - use Bio::Tools::SiRNA->new instead.
Returns : Bio::Tools::SiRNA::Ruleset::saigo object
Args	: none