Class::DBI::ToSax - turn database objects to SAX events
package My::DBI;
# NB! Must come first in inheritance chain!
use base qw( Class::DBI::ToSax Class::DBI );
# In the application...
use XML::SAX::Writer;
my $obj = My::DBI->retrieve( $x );
my $w = XML::SAX::Writer->new;
$obj->to_sax( $w );
This module adds an extra method to Class::DBI, to_sax(). All the usual sorts of SAX handler can be passed in. The example above shows a writer to send the XML to stdout.
NB: This class must come first in the inheritance chain because it overrides ordinary Class::DBI methods.
The generated XML will have:
One wrapper element, which is the name of the table, with an id attribute.
One containing element for each column which has a scalar value.
One element for each has_a() relationship, which will be nested.
Zero or more elements for each has_many() relationship, each of which will be nested.
- to_sax( HANDLER, [ OPTS ] )
Transform the object into XML via SAX events on HANDLER. OPTS may be a series of key value pairs. Valid keys include:
- norecurse
If true, do not recursively call contained objects. There will still be an element for the contained object, but it will only contain an id attribute.
Class::DBI, XML::SAX, XML::SAX::Writer.
If you want to generate XML directly from the database without using Class::DBI, look at XML::Generator::DBI.
We should be able to flag some fields as containing CDATA. I'm not sure of the best interface to do this, however.
Dominic Mitchell, <<gt>
Copyright 2003 by semantico
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.