uf-log - list or dump the instrument log entries in a Finnigan raw file


uf-log [options] file


 -header              extract the log header (record structure)
 -d[ump]              dump the requested feature showing file seek addresses
 -a[ll]               detailed dump of all field descriptors [requires: -d]
 -s[ize]              print record size [requires: -d]
 -n[unmber] <n:0+n>   extract the log entry number <n>
 -h[tml]              format as html
 -w[iki]              format as a wiki table
 -r[elative]          show relative addersess in the dump [requires: -d]
 <file>               input file [required]



Print a brief help message and exit.


Prints a table listing all fields in the requested object (a log entry or the file header), with their seek addresses, sizes, names and values. Individual entries can be selected with the -n[umber] option.


Gives the number of a single InstrumentLogRecord to extract


Format the dump output as an html table. When multiple entries are specified, each will be rendered in its own table


Format the dump output as a wiki table.


Show structure size in bytes (works with the -d[ump] option).


Show relative addresses of all itmes in the dump. The default is to show the absolute seek address. (works with the -d[ump] option)


Dump all GenericDataDescriptor entries in the file header (requires -header)


uf-log can be used to examine the instrument log stream in a Finnigan raw file. The instrument log records typically contain more than a hundred parameters, including operational data on the pumps, power supplies, ion optics and injectors -- everything that may be useful in the auditing of the instrument's performance.

Each record is timestamped with the current retention time of the sample.




List all log records in the tabular form: <record number, time, label, value>
uf-log sample.raw 
uf-log -n 5 sample.raw
Dump the fifth log record in wiki format with total size and relative addresses:
uf-log -dswr -n 5 sample.raw
uf-log -header sample.raw
Dump the header in the compact wiki format, with a stringified GenericDataDescriptor list:
uf-log -header -dw sample.raw
Dump the header in the extended wiki format, showing the location of echa GenericDataDescriptor's element)
uf-log -header -daw sample.raw