Finnigan::ScanEvent -- a decoder for ScanEvent, a detailed scan descriptor
use Finnigan;
my $e = Finnigan::ScanEvent->decode(\*INPUT);
say $e->size;
say $e->dump;
say join(" ", $e->preamble->list(decode => 'yes'));
say $e->preamble->analyzer(decode => 'yes');
$e->reaction->dump if $e->preamble->ms_power > 1 # Reaction will not be present in MS1
This is a variable-layout (but otherwise static) structure, contaning several key details about the scan. Most of those details are concentrated in its head element, ScanEventPreamble.
The layout depends on the number of precursor ions and is governed by the attribute named 'np'. The value np = 0 corresponds to an MS1 scan.
All variants contain a structure named FractionCollector, which is just a pair of double-precision numbers indicating the M/z range of the scan.
In addition to some unknowns that occur in all variants, the MS1 variant (np = 0) contains a copy of all conversion coefficients that determine the transformation of the spectra from the frequency domain to M/z (the other copy of the same coefficients is stored in the corresponding ScanParameterSet -- a somewhat overlapping structure in a parallel stream).
- decode($stream, $version)
The constructor method
- purge_unused_data
Delete the location, size and type data for all structure elements. Calling this method will free some memory when no introspection is needeed (the necessary measure in production-grade code)
- np
Get the number of precursor ions
- preamble
Get the Finnigan::ScanEventPreamble object
- fraction_collector
Get the Finnigan::FractionCollector object
- precursors
Get the list full list of precursor descriptors Finnican::Reaction objects
- reaction($n)
Get the precursor number n (a Finnigan::Reaction object). In the absence of the number argument, it returns the first precursor.
- nparam
Get the number of conversion coefficients
- unknown_double
Get the value of the unknown first coefficient (0 in all known cases)
- I
Get the value of the coefficient I (0 in all known cases, Orbitrap data only)
- A
Get the value of the coefficient A (0 in all known cases)
- B
Get the value of the coefficient B (LTQ-FT, Orbitrap)
- C
Get the value of the coefficient C (LTQ-FT, Orbitrap)
- D
Get the value of the coefficient D (Orbitrap only)
- E
Get the value of the coefficient E (Orbitrap only)
- converter
Returns the pointer to the function for the forward conversion f → M/z
- inverse_converter
Returns the pointer to the function for the inverse conversion M/z → f
- stringify
Make a short text representation of the object
Finnigan::ScanEventPreamble Finnigan::FractionCollector Finnigan::Reaction
Gene Selkov, <>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Gene Selkov
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 319:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '→'. Assuming UTF-8