OpenFST -- Perl bindings for the OpenFST library.
This module provides a Perl interface to the OpenFST finite state transducer library. If you don't know what it is, you probably don't need it.
The interface is very incomplete, since I have only implemented the parts I need right now. At the lowest level, the function and method names are the same as the C++ interface, except that some destructive methods have a leading underscore.
provides a convenient higher-level interface to OpenFST's basic operations. Methods in this interface have lower_case names, while those in the raw library interface use StudlyCaps.
$fsa = acceptor $file, %opts
Create a finite-state acceptor from file $file with options %opts.
$fst = transducer $file, %opts
Create a finite-state transducer from file $file with options %opts.
$fst = from_list $init, $final, @edges
Create a transducer with initial state $init, final state $final, and edges @edges, where each edge is of the form [FROM, TO, IN, OUT, WEIGHT].
$fst = universal $max
Create a universal acceptor with output symbols 1..$max.
$fst = compose @fsts
Compose transducers @fsts into a single transducer $fst.
$fst = concat @fsts
Concatenate transducers @fsts into a single transducer $fst.
$fst = union @fsts
Union transducers @fsts into a single transducer $fst.
Ensure that states up to $n exist in $fst.
Add state $n (and previous states, if necessary).
$fst->add_arc($from, $to [, $in [, $out [, $wt]]])
Add an arc from $from to $to with input and output $in and $out, with weight $wt.
$ofst = $fst->best_paths($n [, $unique])
Compute the best $n paths through $fst. Compute unique paths if $unique is true (UNIMPLEMENTED). If $fst does not use the tropical semiring, it is directly converted to and from the tropical semiring.
$ofst = $fst->prune($w)
Prune $fst so paths worse than $w from the best path are removed.
OpenFST --
Sean O'Rourke <>
Bug reports welcome, patches even more welcome.
Copyright (C) 2007, Sean O'Rourke. All rights reserved, some wrongs reversed. This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.