Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::Config - Advert detection config file
use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::Config ;
This module provides the configuration file utilities for the advert detection and removal utilities.
Settings are passed into the routines via a HASH ref. Settings also come from the default set, and from any config file parameters. The order of priority for these settings is:
Default settings LOWEST priority
Config file (Generic section)
Config file (Channel-specific section)
Settings used for detection
Settings HASH ref HIGHEST priority
Note that the "settings used for detection" only apply if the results from detection are saved in a file, and then this file is read in for analysis (see "Results Files")
Settings are split between those that control the detection phase, and those that control the analysis phase:
Detection Settings
Most of the detection settings (other than detection_method) can safely be left to their default values.
- detection_method
Normally leave this set to the default (all methods used). Sometimes you may want to disable all advert detection (for non-commercial channels), or possibly disable logo detection for channels that display a logo at all times.
This variable is actually a bitmap of flags: setting a bit enables the corresponding method. If you know what you want, you can specify the variable as a decimal or hex value. It's recommended, however, to use the following symbols:
- disable
Use this symbol on it's own to disable advert detection
- default
Use this symbol to specify the built-in default detection method (usually means use all methods)
- black
Black frame detection. This is where "black" (or dark) frames are expected to appear before and after advert breaks.
- logo
Logo detection. This is where the channel logo is expected to be present during programs, but absent during adverts.
- audio
Silence (audio volume) detection. Quiet (or silent) periods are expected before and after adverts.
The symbols above can be combined to specify the complete detection method. Use '+' or '-' before the symbol to enable or disable the method respectively. Using a '+' or '-' before the first symbol specified, results in the symbols being added/subtracted from the default set. Otherwise the set specified are used to fully define the methods to use.
Example: "detection_method = logo + black" means to use only black frame and logo detection.
Example: "detection_method = -logo" means to use default detection methods but disable logo detection.
Example: "detection_method = disable" means to disable advert detection.
- frame.schange_jump
Black frame detection: sets the threshold for the step difference of scene score between frames for a scene change to be detected.
- frame.schange_cutlevel
Black frame detection: scene change detection percentage above which is deemed a scene change frame
- frame.max_black
Black frame detection: maximum pixel value for the pixel to be determined as "black"
- frame.max_brightness
Black frame detection: maximum brightness percentage under which is treated as black
- frame.brightness_jump
Black frame detection: step difference of the brightness score between frames used to detect a black frame
- frame.window_percent
Black frame detection: percentage of frame to use for black frame detection (for example, setting this to 90% results in 5% of the edges around the frame to be ignored)
- frame.test_brightness
Black frame detection: pixel value used for brightness detection
- frame.noise_level
Black frame detection: noise level used for black frame uniformity detection
- logo.logo_edge_step
Logo detection: Step size used for moving between pixels in all logo detection functions. For example, setting this to 2 skips every other pixel, resulting in halving the amount of dtaa to process.
- logo.logo_max_percentage_of_screen
Logo detection: Once a logo has been possibly detected, this is a check to ensure that the area of the screen used by the logo is no greater than this value. Otherwise the detected region cannot be a valid logo and is discarded.
- logo.logo_window
Logo detection: Number of image frames stored in a rolling detection buffer. The number of frames skipped between each stored frame is set by "logo.logo_skip_frames"
- logo.logo_skip_frames
Logo detection: Number of frames to skip between used frames. This creates a bigger discrepancy between images and makes the logo area easier to detect.
- logo.logo_edge_threshold
Logo detection: level used to decided whether this is a logo edge
- logo.logo_ave_points
Logo detection: The logo detection score is averaged over this number of frames.
- logo.logo_checking_period
Logo detection: maximum period (in frames) to use for detecting a logo. If a logo has not been found when we reach this number of frames from the start of the video, then logo detection is cancelled.
- logo.window_percent
Logo detection: perecntage of total frame to use for logo detection
- logo.logo_num_checks
Logo detection: number of times a logo result is re-checked. Once a logo area is detected, the process is re-started this many times to ensure we don't have a false detection.
- logo.logo_ok_percent
Logo detection: the logo detection score % must be above this value before a frame is flagged as containing a logo.
- logo.logo_edge_radius
Logo detection: number of pixels to use in logo edge detection
- audio.silence_window
Silence detection: adds "fuzziness" to detection of silence frames
Analysis Settings
The analysis settings consist of a global set of settings that are used in all cases. Also, each detection mode (black frame, logo etc) has it's own set of settings that may be set to over-ride the global set. In the same manner as the detection settings, each set if prefixed by it's own namespace (e.g. for black frame detection use 'frame.' etc).
- max_advert
The maximum length of a single advert (in frames). Multiple adverts may be joined to form the total advert/commercial break between program sections.
- min_advert
The minimum length of a single advert (in frames).
- min_program
The minimum length (in frames) of a section of program.
- start_pad
(UNUSED) Expected amount of padding (in frames) before the start of a program recording.
- end_pad
(UNUSED) Expected amount of padding (in frames) at the start of a program recording.
- min_frames
Minimum number of frames to be contracted into a block.
- frame_window
fuzziness window when contracting frames into a block
- max_gap
widest gap (no valid frames) over which to span when contracting frames into a block
- reduce_end
window (in frames) in which to reduce the end of the program to the nearest gap
- reduce_min_gap
frame gap used for reducing program end point
Black frame settings (see above to descriptions):
- frame.max_advert
- frame.min_advert
- frame.min_program
- frame.start_pad
- frame.end_pad
- frame.min_frames
- frame.frame_window
- frame.max_gap
- frame.reduce_end
- frame.reduce_min_gap
- frame.increase_start
- frame.increase_min_gap
Logo frame settings (see above to descriptions):
- logo.max_advert
- logo.min_advert
- logo.min_program
- logo.start_pad
- logo.end_pad
- logo.min_frames
- logo.frame_window
- logo.max_gap
- logo.reduce_end
- logo.reduce_min_gap
- logo.increase_start
- logo.increase_min_gap
- logo.logo_rise_threshold
- logo.logo_fall_threshold
Silence frame settings (see above to descriptions):
- audio.max_advert
- audio.min_advert
- audio.min_program
- audio.start_pad
- audio.end_pad
- audio.min_frames
- audio.frame_window
- audio.max_gap
- audio.reduce_end
- audio.reduce_min_gap
- audio.increase_start
- audio.increase_min_gap
Config File
The configuration file is of the form:
# global settings
detection_method = 15
frame.max_black = 48
frame.window_percent = 95
frame.max_brightness = 60
frame.test_brightness = 40
frame.brightness_jump = 200
frame.schange_cutlevel = 85
frame.schange_jump = 30
frame.noise_level = 5
logo.window_percent = 95
logo.logo_window = 50
logo.logo_edge_radius = 2
logo.logo_edge_step = 1
logo.logo_edge_threshold = 5
logo.logo_checking_period = 30000
logo.logo_skip_frames = 25
logo.logo_num_checks = 5
logo.logo_ok_percent = 80
logo.logo_max_percentage_of_screen = 10
logo.logo_ave_points = 250
audio.scale = 1
audio.silence_threshold = -80
# Channel-specific settings
logo.logo_skip_frames = 30
logo.logo_num_checks = 2
logo.logo_ok_percent = 85
Config File Search Path
Some of the functions (for example "read_dvb_adv( [$search_path] )") accept an optional search path. If this is specified then the same search path will be used from that point on (until a different search path is specified).
By default, the search path is set to attempt to match with Linux::DVB::DVBT on those platforms that support that path; otherwise the user's home directory is used.
Setting the search path allows the module to attempt to read/write the configuration file from multiple directories. This allows there to be a common global file used by all users, but each user may then create their own configuration file to over ride the global one however they choose.
The format for the search path is an ARRAY ref list of directories, for example:
[ '/etc/dvb', '~/.tv' ]
[ 'c:\tv', 'd:\profiles\user\tv' ]
- read_dvb_adv( [$search_path] )
Read the advert settings file and return a HASH ref containing the settings.
Optionally set the search path (see "Config File Search Path")
See "Config File"
- write_dvb_adv($href [, $search_path])
Write advert config information
Optionally set the search path (see "Config File Search Path")
- write_filename([$search_path])
Returns the advert config file writeable filename path
Optionally set the search path (see "Config File Search Path")
- read_filename([$search_path])
Returns the advert config file readable filename path
Optionally set the search path (see "Config File Search Path")
- write_default_dvb_adv($href [, $search_path])
Write a default advert config information file
Optionally set the search path (see "Config File Search Path")
- read_dir($search_path, $fname)
Find directory to read from - first readable directory in search path
- write_dir($search_path, $fname)
Find directory to write to - first writeable directory in search path