Geo::TigerLine::Record::C - TIGER/Line 2003 Geographic Entity Names


use Geo::TigerLine::Record::C;

@records = Geo::TigerLine::Record::C->parse_file($fh);
@records = Geo::TigerLine::Record::C->parse_file($fh, \&callback);

$record = Geo::TigerLine::Record::C->new(\%fields);



This is a class representing record type C of the TIGER/Line 2003 census geographic database. Each object is one record. It also contains methods to parse TIGER/Line record type C files and turn them into objects.

This is intended as an intermediate format between pulling the raw data out of the simplistic TIGER/Line data files into something more sophisticated (a process you should only have to do once). As such, it's not very fast, but its careful, easy to use and performs some verifications on the data being read.

As this class is autogenerated by mk_parsers, think before you modify this file. It's OO, so consider sub-classing instead.


These are simple get/set accessors for each field of a record generated from the TIGER/Line 2003 data dictionary. They perform some data validation.

$data = $record->rt();

Record Type.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->version();

Version Number.

Expects numeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->state();

FIPS State Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->county();

FIPS County Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 3 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->datayr();

FIPS Code, Name, and/or Attribute Data Applicable Year.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fips();

FIPS PUB 55-3 Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fipscc();

FIPS 55 Class Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->placedc();

Place Description Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->lsadc();

Legal/Statistical Area Description Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->entity();

Entity Type Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->ma();

Metropolitan Area Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->sd();

School District Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->aianhh();

Census American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->vtdtract();

Census Voting District Code/Census Tract Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 6 characters. $data can be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->uauga();

Urban Area Code/Urban Growth Area Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->aitsce();

Census American Indian Tribal Subdivision Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 3 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->csacnecta();

Combined Statistical Area/Combined New England City and Town Area Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 3 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->cbsanecta();

Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area/New England City and Town Area/Metropolitan Division/New England City and Town Area Division Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->commreg();

Commercial Region Code, Economic Census.

Expects numeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->rs_c2();

Reserved Space C2.

Expects numeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->name();

Name of Geographic Area.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 60 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

Data dictionary

This is the original TIGER/Line 2003 data dictionary from which this class was generated.

Record Type C - Geographic Entity Names

Field     BV   Fmt Type Beg End Len Description
RT        No    L   A    1    1  1  Record Type
VERSION   No    L   N    2    5  4  Version Number
STATE     Yes   L   N    6    7  2  FIPS State Code
COUNTY    Yes   L   N    8   10  3  FIPS County Code
DATAYR    Yes   L   A   11   14  4  FIPS Code, Name, and/or Attribute Data Applicable Year
FIPS      Yes   L   N   15   19  5  FIPS PUB 55-3 Code
FIPSCC    Yes   L   A   20   21  2  FIPS 55 Class Code
PLACEDC   Yes   L   A   22   22  1  Place Description Code
LSADC     Yes   L   A   23   24  2  Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
ENTITY    No    L   A   25   25  1  Entity Type Code
MA        Yes   L   N   26   29  4  Metropolitan Area Code
SD        Yes   L   N   30   34  5  School District Code
AIANHH    Yes   L   N   35   38  4  Census American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Code
VTDTRACT  Yes   R   A   39   44  6  Census Voting District Code/Census Tract Code
UAUGA     Yes   L   N   45   49  5  Urban Area Code/Urban Growth Area Code
AITSCE     Yes  L   N   50   52  3  Census American Indian Tribal Subdivision Code
CSACNECTA  Yes  L   N   53   55  3  Combined Statistical Area/Combined New England City and Town Area Code
CBSANECTA  Yes  L   N   56   60  5  Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area/New England City and Town Area/Metropolitan Division/New England City and Town Area Division Code
COMMREG    Yes  L   N   61   61  1  Commercial Region Code, Economic Census
RS-C2      Yes  L   N   62   62  1  Reserved Space C2
NAME       Yes  L   A   63  122 60  Name of Geographic Area


Michael G Schwern <>


Geo::TigerLine, mk_parsers