Geo::Coder::US::Codes - Useful abbreviation and code maps for Geo::Coder::US


This module contains some hashes mapping various geographic identifiers to their canonical equivalents. None of them are exported. You probably won't need to care about this module.



Maps directional names (north, northeast, etc.) to abbreviations (N, NE, etc.).


Maps directional abbreviations to directional names.


Maps lowercased USPS standard street types to their canonical postal abbreviations as found in TIGER/Line. See eg/ in the distrbution for how this map was generated.


Maps lowercased US state and territory names to their canonical two-letter postal abbreviations. See eg/ in the distrbution for how this map was generated.


Maps two-digit FIPS-55 US state and territory codes (including the leading zero!) as found in TIGER/Line to the state's canonical two-letter postal abbreviation. See eg/ in the distrbution for how this map was generated. Yes, I know the FIPS data also has the state names. Oops.




Schuyler Erle <>


All of the data contained herein is believed to be in the public domain. See Geo::Coder::US(3pm) for the code license.