S-bsdipa -- create or apply binary difference patch


use BsDiPa;

print BsDiPa::VERSION, "\n";
print BsDiPa::CONTACT;
print BsDiPa::COPYRIGHT;

# BsDiPa::{OK,FBIG,NOMEM,INVAL}: status codes

my ($b, $a) = ("\012\013\00\01\02\03\04\05\06\07" x 3,
		"\010\011\012\013\014" x 4);
my $pz;
die 'sick' if BsDiPa::core_diff_zlib($b, $a, \$pz) ne BsDiPa::OK;
my $pr;
die 'sick2' if BsDiPa::core_diff_raw($b, $a, \$pr) ne BsDiPa::OK;

	my $x = uncompress($pz);
	die 'sick3' unless(($pr cmp $x) == 0);

my $rz;
die 'sick4' if BsDiPa::core_patch_zlib($a, $pz, \$rz) ne BsDiPa::OK;
my $rr;
die 'sick5' if BsDiPa::core_patch_raw($a, $pr, \$rr) ne BsDiPa::OK;

die 'sick6' unless(($rz cmp $rr) == 0);


Colin Percival's BSDiff, imported from FreeBSD and transformed into a library; please see header comment of lib/s-bsdipa-lib.h for more: create or apply binary difference patch. The perl package only uses s_BSDIPA_32 mode (31-bit size limits).


VERSION (string, eg, '0.5.2')

A version string.

CONTACT (string)

Bug/Contact information. Could be multiline, but has no trailing newline.

A multiline string containing a copyright license summary.

OK (number)

Result is usable.

FBIG (number)

Data or resulting control block length too large.

NOMEM (number)

Allocation failure.

INVAL (number)

Any other error.

core_diff_zlib($before_sv, $after_sv, $patch_sv, $magic_window=0)

Create a compressed binary diff from the memory backing $before_sv to the memory backing $after_sv, and place the result in the (de-)reference(d) $patch_sv. On error undef is stored if only $patch_sv is accessible. $magic_window specifies lookaround bytes, if 0 the built-in default is used (16 at the time of this writing); the already unreasonable value 4096 is the maximum supported.

core_diff_raw($before_sv, $after_sv, $patch_sv, $magic_window=0)

Exactly like core_diff_zlib(), but without compression. As compression is absolutely necessary, only meant for testing, or as a foundation for other compression methods.

core_patch_zlib($after_sv, $patch_sv, $before_sv)

Apply a compressed binary diff $patch_sv to the memory backing $after_sv in order to restore original content in the (de-)reference(d) $before_sv. On error undef is stored if only $before_sv is accessible.

core_patch_raw($after_sv, $patch_sv, $before_sv)

Exactly like core_patch_zlib(), but expects raw uncompressed patch.


Steffen Nurpmeso <>.


All included parts use Open Source licenses. Please dump the module constant COPYRIGHT for more.