Changes for version 0.06_04 - 2021-05-23
- Free string if returning early.
- Test wrapping with greedy length.
- Divide function descriptions into paragraphs.
- Add metadata repository link.
- Simplify test counts.
Changes for version 0.06_03 - 2021-05-21
- Return early when empty string.
- Move calculating average to a function.
- New macro SAVE_STRING().
- Note that text is being preprocessed.
Changes for version 0.06_02 - 2021-05-16
- Handle substitution of form feeds/tabs.
- Trim whitespace at begin/end of text.
- Convert multiple spaces to single ones.
- Rename subst_newlines() to subst_to_spaces().
- subst_to_spaces(): amend naming of variable.
- Add/adjust tests.
Changes for version 0.06_01 - 2021-04-30
- Tweak subst_newlines().
Wrap text fast into chunks of similar length