hex-describe rule [--table=table] [--rule=rule] [--limit=number]
hex-describe rule --help
Prints the random results of rules.
prints the man page.
specifies the table to load.
Without --table
, print all the tables there are.
specifies the rule to use.
specifies the text to use (with rules in square brackets).
Without --rule
or --text
, print all the rules there are.
limits the output to a certain number of entries. The default is 10.
changes the separator between entries. The default is two newlines, three dashes, and two newlines ("\n\n---\n\n").
Find all orc related rules:
hex-describe rule --table=schroeder | grep orc
Print an orc tribe:
hex-describe rule --table=schroeder --rule="orcs" --limit=1
Print ten orc names:
hex-describe rule --table=schroeder --rule="orc name" --separator=\n
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 61:
Unterminated C<...> sequence