App::Phoebe::Oddmuse - act as a Gemini proxy for an Oddmuse wiki
This extension allows you to serve files from an Oddmuse wiki instead of a real Phoebe wiki directory.
The tricky part is that most Oddmuse wikis don't use Gemini markup (“gemtext”) and therefore care is required. The extension tries to transmogrify typical Oddmuse markup (based on my own wikis) to Gemini.
Here's one way to configure it. I use Apache as my proxy server and have multiple Oddmuse wikis running on the same machine, each only serving localhost
. I need to recreate some of the Apache configuration, here.
package App::Phoebe::Oddmuse;
our %oddmuse_wikis = (
"" => "http://localhost:4023/wiki",
"" => "http://localhost:4019/wiki",
"" => "http://localhost:4002/wiki",
"" => "http://localhost:4004/wiki", );
our %oddmuse_wiki_names = (
"" => "Alex Schroeder",
"" => "Community Wiki",
"" => "Emacs Wiki",
"" => "Campaign Wiki", );
our %oddmuse_wiki_dirs = (
"" => "/home/alex/alexschroeder",
"" => "/home/alex/communitywiki",
"" => "/home/alex/emacswiki",
"" => "/home/alex/campaignwiki", );
our %oddmuse_wiki_links = (
"" => 1,
"" => 1, );
use App::Phoebe::Oddmuse;
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 26:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '(“gemtext”)'. Assuming UTF-8