App::Phoebe::Gopher - serving a Phoebe wiki via the Gopher protocol


This extension serves your Gemini pages via Gopher and generates a few automatic pages for you, such as the main page.

To configure, you need to specify the Gopher port(s) in your Phoebe config file. The default port is 70. This is a priviledge port. Thus, you either need to grant Perl the permission to listen on a priviledged port, or you need to run Phoebe as a super user. Both are potential security risk, but the first option is much less of a problem, I think.

If you want to try this, run the following as root:

setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' $(which perl)

Verify it:

getcap $(which perl)

If you want to undo this:

setcap -r $(which perl)

The alternative is to use a port number above 1024.

If you don't do any of the above, you'll get a permission error on startup: "Mojo::Reactor::Poll: Timer failed: Can't create listen socket: Permission denied…"

If you are virtual hosting note that the Gopher protocol is incapable of doing that: the server does not know what hostname the client used to look up the IP number it eventually contacted. This works for HTTP and Gemini because HTTP/1.0 and later added a Host header to pass this information along, and because Gemini uses a URL including a hostname in its request. It does not work for Gopher. This is why you need to specify the hostname via $gopher_host.

You can set the normal Gopher via $gopher_port and the encrypted Gopher ports via $gophers_port (note the extra s). The values either be a single port, or an array of ports. See the example below.

In this example we first switch to the package namespace, set some variables, and then we use the package. At this point the ports are specified and the server processes it starts go up, one for ever IP number serving the hostname.

package App::Phoebe::Gopher;
our $gopher_host = "";
our $gopher_port = [70,79]; # listen on the finger port as well
our $gophers_port = 7443; # listen on port 7443 using TLS
our $gopher_main_page = "Gopher_Welcome";
use App::Phoebe::Gopher;

Note the finger port in the example. This works, but it's awkward since you have to finger page/alex instead of alex. In order to make that work, we need some more code.

    package App::Phoebe::Gopher;
    use App::Phoebe qw(@extensions port $log);
    use Modern::Perl;
    our $gopher_host = "";
    our $gopher_port = [70,79]; # listen on the finger port as well
    our $gophers_port = 7443; # listen on port 7443 using TLS
    our $gopher_main_page = "Gopher_Welcome";
    our @extensions;
    push(@extensions, \&finger);
    sub finger {
      my $stream = shift;
      my $selector = shift;
      my $port = port($stream);
      if ($port == 79 and $selector =~ m!^[^/]+$!) {
	$log->debug("Serving $selector via finger");
	gopher_serve_page($stream, $gopher_host, undef, decode_utf8(uri_unescape($selector)));
	return 1;
      return 0;
    use App::Phoebe::Gopher;

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 48:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'denied…"'. Assuming UTF-8