Net::SSLeay::OO::Error - encapsulated SSLeay errors
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
eval {
$ctx->use_PrivateKey_file($filename, FILETYPE_PEM);
my $error = $@;
if (blessed $error and
( $error->error_code == 0x0B080074 or
$error->reason_string =~ /key.*mismatch/i ) ) {
# deal with some known error condition differently..
die "Private key file mismatches certificate file, did "
."you update both settings?";
elsif ($error) {
die $error;
# if you need to manually check for errors ever
use Net::SSLeay::OO::Error qw(die_if_ssl_error ssl_error_pending);
Unlike Net::SSLeay, with Net::SSLeay::OO functions, if an error occurs in a low level library an exception is raised via die
OpenSSL has an 'error queue', which normally represents something like a stack trace indicating the context of the error. The first error will be the "deepest" error and usually has the most relevant error message. To represent this, the Net::SSLeay::OO::Error object has a next property, which represents a level further up the exception heirarchy.
The following methods are defined (some via Moose attributes):
- error_string()
Returns the error string from OpenSSL.
- as_string()
Returns the error string, turned into a marginally more user-friendly message. Also available as the overloaded '""' operator (ie, when interpreted as a string you will get a message)
- error_code()
A fixed error code corresponding to the error.
- reason_string()
The human-readable part, or (apparently) "system lib" if the error is part of a stack trace.
- library_name()
- function_name()
Where the error occurred, or where this part of the stack trace applies.
- next()
The next (shallower) Net::SSLeay::OO::Error object, corresponding to the next level up the stack trace.
- message( [$message] )
The caller-supplied message that this error will be prefixed with. If this is a single word (no whitespace) then it will be printed as
During `$message':
These functions are available for export.
- die_if_ssl_error($message)
This is similar to Net::SSLeay's function of the same name, except;
The entire error queue is cleared, and wrapped into a single chain of exception objects
The message is parceled to be hopefully a little more human-readable.
Here is an example, an error raised during the test suite script t/03-ssl.t:
During `use_certificate_file': OpenSSL error 02001002: No such file or directory during fopen (system library) then 20074002: trace: FILE_CTRL (BIO routines) then 140c8002: trace: SSL_use_certificate_file (SSL routines)
The function was called as:
The strings returned from OpenSSL as a "human readable" error messages were:
error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib error:140C8002:SSL routines:SSL_use_certificate_file:system lib
- ssl_error_pending()
Returns a non-zero integer if there is an error pending. To fetch it, just create a new Net::SSLeay::OO::Error object.
Sam Vilain,
Copyright (C) 2009 NZ Registry Services
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 or later. You should have received a copy of the Artistic License the file COPYING.txt. If not, see <>