Changes for version 0.02 - 2002-05-22
- Fixed implementation of caller() override to more closely match normal behavior.
- Added fork protection like Devel::DProf - only profile the parent.
- Added code to avoid instrumenting fake subs. For details, see:
- Added code to detect constant subs and avoid profiling them.
- Added Devel::Profiler::Apache module which works like Apache::DProf to provide profiling for Apache/mod_perl.
- Added check for dprofpp to Makefile.PL - thanks are due to "Automated Perl Test Account" for the catch.
- Fixed bug under Test::More version 0.44 where Test::More was confused by my attempts to test skip() itself. Thanks to Andreas Marcel Riechert for the report.
- Added package_filter option to allow more flexible control over packages to be profiled. Thanks to Simon Rosenthal for inspiring this feature.
a Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp
test support library for Devel::Profiler