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Changes for version 0.05

  • There is a long history behind this module:
    • In order to get it to work correctly I ended becoming the de-facto main maintainer of Net::SSH2, rewriting large parts of it and also fixing lots of bugs in libssh2. That took me two years and a half.
    • In the meantime I have keep adding features to Net::SSH::Any...
  • Ssh_Cmd backend which runs on top of any ssh binary supporting command line flags compatible with the OpenSSH one which are not good enough for Net::OpenSSH as for instance Oracle SSH or the Cygwin openssh package.
  • Plink_Cmd backend which uses the "plink" executable (part of the PuTTY project).
  • Sexec_Cmd backend which uses Bitwise Tunnelier "sexec" utility.
  • Dbclient_Cmd backend which uses the dropbear client "dbclient".
  • Sshg3_Cmd backend which uses the Tectia command line SSH client "sshg3".
  • dpipe support, providing an object able to talk to the remote process both ways.
  • Net::SSH::Any::Test framework which anyhow is able to provide the details of a running SSH server that could be used for testing. This module replaces my old Test::SSH package and includes the backends Remote which tries to connect to localhost; OpenSSH_Daemon which starts a local SSH server in some spare port; Dropbead_Daemon which does the same but using Dropbear and Cygwin that on Windows is able to install the Cygwin OpenSSH package and use it to start a local server.
  • Net::SSH::Any::Test::Isolated which runs Net::SSH::Any::Test in an isolated process so that there are not interferences between the tested module and the test server provider.
  • Net::SSH::Any::Autodetector which is able to find out several properties about the remote machine as operating system and the user shell.
  • Integration with Net::OpenSSH quoters.
  • Documentation is still a WIP.
  • And lots and lots of issues fixed...


SSH client module
Backend for PuTTY's plink
Backend for Bitwise's Tunnelier sexec tool
Backend for Tectia sshg3 client
bidirectional comunication with remote process
Test SSH modules


in lib/Net/SSH/Any/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/Net_OpenSSH/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/Net_SSH2/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/Net_SSH2/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/Net_SSH2/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/MSWin/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/POSIX/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/OS/_Base/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/Getter/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/Getter/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/Getter/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/Putter/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/Putter/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/SCP/Putter/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Backend/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Isolated/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Isolated/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/Test/Isolated/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/
in lib/Net/SSH/Any/