reslirp-tunnel - A script to set up a reSLIRP tunnel over SSH for remote connections


reslirp-tunnel [options] [remote_host]


reslirp-tunnel sets up a reSLIRP tunnel to a specified remote host using SSH. It allows users to configure various networking options such as remote network settings, logging preferences, and more.


-C, --reslirp-cmd, --reslirp-command command

Specify the reslirp command to be used.

By default, it uses c<C:\Program Files\reSLIRP\reslirp.ext>. When the remote Operating System is Windows and reslirp otherwise.

-s, --ssh-cmd, --ssh-command command

Specify the SSH command to be used.

-R, --remote-os os

Specify the remote operating system.

When not given, reslirp-tunnel would try to autodetect the remote Operating System running some commands over the SSH channel.

-S, --remote-shell shell

Specify the remote shell.

reslirp-tunnel also tries to autodetect the remote shell when it is not explicitly given using this flag.

-n, --remote-network network

Specify the remote network (defaults to

-m, --remote-netmask netmask

Specify the remote netmask (defaults to

-g, --remote-gw gateway

Specify the remote gateway (defaults to

-d, --remote-dns dns

Specify the remote DNS (defaults to

-a, --local-ip ip

Specify the local IP (defaults to

-i, --tap-device device

Specify the tap device.

By default, reslirp-tunnel will use the first tap device available.

-s, --ssh-arg arg

Specify additional SSH arguments.

-r, --reslirp-arg arg

Specify additional reslirp arguments.

-E, --log-to-stderr

Log to standard error.

-L, --log-file file

Specify the log file (by default logs to a file in ~/.local/state/reslirp-tunnel/logs).

-D, --log-level level

Specify the log level (debug, info, warn, error).

-l, --remote-user user

Specify the remote user used for logging in.

-p, --remote-port port

Specify the remote port (defaults to 22).

-h, --route-host, --route-host-local host
-H, --route-host-dns host
-W, --route-host-ssh host

When one or more hosts are given using any of these options, the script changes the local network configuration so that traffic going to the given machines is routed through the reSLIRP tunnel.

The difference between these options is how the script resolves the hostnames:

--route-host, --route-host-local resolves the host locally using the OS resolver.
--route-host-dns resolves the host using the remote DNS provided by reSLIRP which forwards the request to any configured DNS server. Though, note that this doesn't usually work when the remote hosts runs Windows.
--route-host-ssh resolves the host using commands run on the remote machine through the SSH connection. Effectively, this approach resolves the names using the resolver configuration in the remote machine.

The addreses are resolved at launch time and then cached in a local DNS server set up by reslirp-tunnel. The configuration of systemd resolver is also adjusted so that the DNS service is used for those hosts.

Finally, a set of IP rules are also added for directing the traffic through the tunnel.

-f, --run-in-foreground

Run in foreground.


Don't close stdio.

reslirp-tunnel -C reslirp -s ssh -R linux -n


This script was written by the authors of App::ReslirpTunnel.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 317:

Unknown directive: =HEAD1