NAME Term::Graille::Menu
my $menu=new Term::Graille::Menu(
Developed to allow user interaction using a hierarchical menu in command line applications. The menu is activated using a key press, and navigated typically using arrow keys. It does not handle or capture the key presses directly, and in Graille is used in conjunctyion with Term::Graille::IO

my $menu=Term::Graille::Menu->new(%params)
Creates a new $menu; params are menu
The menu tree as an Array ref containing strings and arrayrefs. Branches are Array refs, and end nodes are strings. See above example to visuialise structure. redraw
This is a function to redraws the application screen. The menu will overwrite parts of the application screen, and this allows function needs to be provided to restire the screen. callback
The menu does not call any functions, instead returns the leaf string selected. It is upto the main application to use this string to in a dispatch routine (the callback function supplied)
Changes the menu. if reset is set then the menu "pointer" is set at the first item in menmu tree.
my $menu->redraw()
Calls the applications redraw function. This is required for the menu to be overwritten with application screen.
my $menu->nextItem()
, my $menu->prevItem()
, my $menu->closeItem()
, my $menu->openItem()
Navigate the menu, select items.
my $menu->closeMenu()
Closes the menu, redraws the screen (using $menu-
redraw();>) and sends undef
to $menu-
my $menu->upArrow()
, my $menu->downArrow()
, my $menu->leftArraow()
, my $menu->rightArrow()
The menu does not acpture key presses, but provides methods to allow key presses to trigger navigation.