GUIDeFATE - Graphical User Interface Design From A Text Editor
use GUIDeFATE qw<$frame>;
my $window=<<END;
|T Calculator |
| [ ] |
| { V }{ % }{ C }{AC } |
| { 1 }{ 2 }{ 3 }{ + } |
| { 4 }{ 5 }{ 6 }{ - } |
| { 7 }{ 8 }{ 9 }{ * } |
| { . }{ 0 }{ = }{ / } |
| made with GUIdeFATE |
| and happy things |
my $gui=GUIDeFATE->new($window,[$backend],[$assist]); # API changed at version 0.06
# $backend is one of Wx(Default), Tk or Gtk
# $assist is one or "q" (quiet, default), "v" (verbose) or "a" for Autogenerate
Perl5.8.8, Exporter, Wx, Wx::Perl::Imagick (for Wx interface) Perl5.8.8, Exporter, Tk, Image::Imagick, Tk::JPEG, MIME::Base64 (for Tk interface) Perl5.8.8, Exporter, Glib, Gtk (for Gtk interface) Perl5.8.8, Exporter, QtCore4, QtGui4 (for Qt interface) Perl5.8.8, Exporter (for HTML interface)
getFrame() returns an object containing Widgets (referencesd by id) and GUI interaction functions. This is actually provided by the middle-man ((GFwx, GFtk etc) but not availlable for GFhtml
GUIDeFATE enables the user to convert a textual representtaion into a Graphical user Interfac. It attempts to abstract out the underlying framework. A visually recognisable pattern is passed as a string to GUIDeFATE and this is transformed into an Interactive Interface.
- my $gui=GUIDeFATE->new($window, $backend, $options);
Extracts dimensions and wdigets in a window from the textual representation. If $backend not provided, defaults to "Wx"; options are Wx and Tk, Gtk and Qt. If $options contains "v", then a verbose output is sent to console, if it contains "a", and autogenerated file is produced with all the called functions
- my $frame=$gui->getFrame || $gui;
Returns reference to the frame for both abstracted and backend specific functions.
Saif Ahmed, SAIFTYNET { at }