sqlbatch - run a sequence of SQL-database SQL-scripts and client-code
sqlbatch [-help|-man] sqlbatch [-directory=...] sqlbatch [-directory=...] [-configfile=...] sqlbatch [-directory=...] [-datasource=...] [-username=...] [-password=...] [-tags=...] [-from_file=...] [-to_file=...] [-exclude_files=...] [-verbosity=...]
This program will read the given SQL-batch file(s) and execute the logic against an SQL database.
SQL-batch file(s) reside within a certain directory and have the extension ".sb".
Options have precedens above their counterpart in the configuration. Option though have precedence over their counterparts in a configuration file.
- -configfile=path
Path to configuration file. If option is set to '-' then ./sb.conf or sb.conf in SQL-batch directory (-directory) will be used.
- -datasource=connectionstring
DBI-datasource connectionstring
- -directory=path
Path to directory for SQL-batch-files and default configuration file
- -fileextension=ext
Change the fileextension of SQL-batch-files. Default is "sb".
- -help
Print a brief help message and exits.
- -man
Prints the manual page and exits.
- -password=pw
Database-connection password
- -username=user
Database-connection username
- -verbosity=value
Level of verbosity. Default is 1.
- -exclude_files=...
Comma separated list of file to exclude in execution
Name of the file to start execution from
Comma separated list of tags that specifies running the tagged instructions or not
Name of the file where the execution finishes
The configuration file is a JSON-file. Most program options can also be defined via the configuration file.
"datasource" : "DBI:RAM:",
"username" : "user",
"password" : "pw",
"force_autocommit" : 1
"tags" : [ "tag1,"tag2" ]
Extra configuration items
The configuration file though can contain additional other configuration items.
Some of them are predefined as in following list:
- force_commit
Enforce transaction committing in Perl DBI.
Other configuration items can be free choosen. They will then be available for initializing any dynamic loaded Perl classes in sql-batch file.
A SQL-batch-file is an UTF-8 encoded textfile. The file contains a sequence of instruction blocks.
Section setup
A instruction indentifier line starts with instruction string and is followed by the instruction arguments
--SQL-- -id=creation tags=setup,!production
The instruction block ends with special ending instruction --END--
Text between the instruction indentifier line and the instruction block end is called instruction content.
Instruction content can contain various data and information for the instruction to be executed.
Text between the dedicated instruction blocks is not used.
Common section identifier arguments
- -end=...
Defines an alternative naming of the section end.
Instead of --END-- a --MYEND-- can be defined by -end=MYEND
- -id=...
An optional specific identifier for the section.
Comma separated list for matching tags to execute the instruction og non-matching tags ("!tag")
SQL-BATCH file example
# Comment
--SQL-- -id=sql1
create table t (a int,b varchar)
an undefined line outside a section
--INSERT-- -id=fill_table_t -table=t
# Next section runs a delete when the "usertest"-tag is not defined
--DELETE-- -table=t --id=delete1 -tags=!usertest
# Next section runs in when "setup"-tag is defined and NOT "production" tag
--SQL-- -id=sql2 -tags=setup,!production
create table x (a int)
SQL-BATCH instructions
- --BEGIN--
Begin a transaction, if autocommit-mode is not enabled
- --COMMIT--
Commit a transaction, if autocommit-mode is not enabled
- --DELETE--
Deleting table rows that match the instruction content data which is CSV-formattet (with a header column)
--DELETE-- -table=x 'a';'b' '1';'2' ...
Would create a SQL-statement
delete from table where a=1 and b=2
- --INSERT--
Insert into table rows that match the instruction content data which is CSV-formattet (with a header column)
--INSERT-- -table=x 'a';'b' '1';'2' ...
Would create a SQL-statement
insert into x (a,b) values (1,2)
- --PERL--
Execute Perl code in a Perl-class derived from SqlBatch::InstructionBase
Rollback a transaction, if autocommit-mode is not enabled
- --SQL--
Execute the SQL-statement written into the instruction content.
Sascha Dibbern (sascha at
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.