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Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix - Character state matrix.


 use Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix;
 use Bio::Phylo::Taxa;
 use Bio::Phylo::Taxa::Taxon;

 # instantiate taxa object
 my $taxa = Bio::Phylo::Taxa->new();
 for ( 'Homo sapiens', 'Pan paniscus', 'Pan troglodytes' ) {
     $taxa->insert( Bio::Phylo::Taxa::Taxon->new( '-name' => $_ ) );

 # instantiate matrix object, 'standard' data type. All categorical
 # data types follow semantics like this, though with different
 # symbols in lookup table and matrix
 my $standard_matrix = Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix->new(
     '-type'   => 'STANDARD',
     '-taxa'   => $taxa,
     '-lookup' => { 
         '-' => [],
         '0' => [ '0' ],
         '1' => [ '1' ],
         '?' => [ '0', '1' ],
     '-labels' => [ 'Opposable big toes', 'Opposable thumbs', 'Not a pygmy' ],
     '-matrix' => [
         [ 'Homo sapiens'    => '0', '1', '1' ],
         [ 'Pan paniscus'    => '1', '1', '0' ],
         [ 'Pan troglodytes' => '1', '1', '1' ],
 # note: complicated constructor for mixed data!
 my $mixed_matrix = Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix->new( 
	# if you want to create 'mixed', value for '-type' is array ref...
	'-type' =>  [ 
		# ...with first field 'mixed'...				
		# ...second field is an array ref...
			# ...with _ordered_ key/value pairs...
			'dna'      => 10, # value is length of type range
			'standard' => 10, # value is length of type range
			# ... or, more complicated, value is a hash ref...
			'rna'      => {
				'-length' => 10, # value is length of type range
				# ...value for '-args' is an array ref with args 
				# as can be passed to 'unmixed' datatype constructors,
				# for example, here we modify the lookup table for
				# rna to allow both 'U' (default) and 'T'
				'-args'   => [
					'-lookup' => {
						'A' => [ 'A'                     ],
						'C' => [ 'C'                     ],
						'G' => [ 'G'                     ],
						'U' => [ 'U'                     ],
						'T' => [ 'T'                     ],
						'M' => [ 'A', 'C'                ],
						'R' => [ 'A', 'G'                ],
						'S' => [ 'C', 'G'                ],
						'W' => [ 'A', 'U', 'T'           ],						
						'Y' => [ 'C', 'U', 'T'           ],
						'K' => [ 'G', 'U', 'T'           ],
						'V' => [ 'A', 'C', 'G'           ],
						'H' => [ 'A', 'C', 'U', 'T'      ],
						'D' => [ 'A', 'G', 'U', 'T'      ],
						'B' => [ 'C', 'G', 'U', 'T'      ],
						'X' => [ 'G', 'A', 'U', 'T', 'C' ],
						'N' => [ 'G', 'A', 'U', 'T', 'C' ],
 # prints 'mixed(Dna:1-10, Standard:11-20, Rna:21-30)'
 print $mixed_matrix->get_type;


This module defines a container object that holds Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum objects. The matrix object inherits from Bio::Phylo::Listable, so the methods defined there apply here.




Matrix constructor.

Type    : Constructor
Title   : new
Usage   : my $matrix = Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix->new;
Function: Instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object.
Args    : -type   => optional, but if used must be FIRST argument, 
                     defines datatype, one of dna|rna|protein|
                     continuous|standard|restriction|[ mixed => [] ]

          -taxa   => optional, link to taxa object
          -lookup => character state lookup hash ref
          -labels => array ref of character labels
          -matrix => two-dimensional array, first element of every
                     row is label, subsequent are characters



Sets argument character labels.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_charlabels
Usage   : $matrix->set_charlabels( [ 'char1', 'char2', 'char3' ] );
Function: Assigns character labels.
Returns : $self
Args    : ARRAY, or nothing (to reset);

Defines matrix gapmode.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_gapmode
Usage   : $matrix->set_gapmode( 1 );
Function: Defines matrix gapmode ( false = missing, true = fifth state )
Returns : $self
Args    : boolean

Assigns match symbol.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_matchchar
Usage   : $matrix->set_matchchar( $match );
Function: Assigns match symbol (default is '.').
Returns : $self
Args    : ARRAY

Defines matrix 'polymorphism' interpretation.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_polymorphism
Usage   : $matrix->set_polymorphism( 1 );
Function: Defines matrix 'polymorphism' interpretation
          ( false = uncertainty, true = polymorphism )
Returns : $self
Args    : boolean

Set contents using two-dimensional array argument.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_raw
Usage   : $matrix->set_raw( [ [ 'taxon1' => 'acgt' ], [ 'taxon2' => 'acgt' ] ] );
Function: Syntax sugar to define $matrix data contents.
Returns : $self
Args    : A two-dimensional array; first dimension contains matrix rows,
          second dimension contains taxon name / character string pair.

Defines matrix case sensitivity interpretation.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_respectcase
Usage   : $matrix->set_respectcase( 1 );
Function: Defines matrix case sensitivity interpretation
          ( false = disregarded, true = "respectcase" )
Returns : $self
Args    : boolean



Retrieves character labels.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_charlabels
Usage   : my @charlabels = @{ $matrix->get_charlabels };
Function: Retrieves character labels.
Returns : ARRAY
Args    : None.

Returns matrix gapmode.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_gapmode
Usage   : do_something() if $matrix->get_gapmode;
Function: Returns matrix gapmode ( false = missing, true = fifth state )
Returns : boolean
Args    : none

Returns matrix match character.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_matchchar
Usage   : my $char = $matrix->get_matchchar;
Function: Returns matrix match character (default is '.')
Returns : SCALAR
Args    : none

Calculates number of characters.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_nchar
Usage   : my $nchar = $matrix->get_nchar;
Function: Calculates number of characters (columns) in matrix (if the matrix
          is non-rectangular, returns the length of the longest row).
Returns : INT
Args    : none

Calculates number of taxa (rows) in matrix.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_ntax
Usage   : my $ntax = $matrix->get_ntax;
Function: Calculates number of taxa (rows) in matrix
Returns : INT
Args    : none

Returns matrix 'polymorphism' interpretation.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_polymorphism
Usage   : do_something() if $matrix->get_polymorphism;
Function: Returns matrix 'polymorphism' interpretation
          ( false = uncertainty, true = polymorphism )
Returns : boolean
Args    : none

Retrieves a 'raw' (two-dimensional array) representation of the matrix's contents.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_raw
Usage   : my $rawmatrix = $matrix->get_raw;
Function: Retrieves a 'raw' (two-dimensional array) representation
          of the matrix's contents.
Returns : A two-dimensional array; first dimension contains matrix rows,
          second dimension contains taxon name and characters.
Args    : NONE

Returns matrix case sensitivity interpretation.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_respectcase
Usage   : do_something() if $matrix->get_respectcase;
Function: Returns matrix case sensitivity interpretation
          ( false = disregarded, true = "respectcase" )
Returns : boolean
Args    : none



Serializes matrix to nexus format.

 Type    : Format convertor
 Title   : to_nexus
 Usage   : my $data_block = $matrix->to_nexus;
 Function: Converts matrix object into a nexus data block.
 Returns : Nexus data block (SCALAR).
 Args    : The following options are available:
 		   # if set, writes TITLE & LINK tokens
 		   '-links' => 1
           # if set, writes block as a "data" block (deprecated, but used by mrbayes),
           # otherwise writes "characters" block (default)
 	       -data_block => 1
 	       # if set, writes "RESPECTCASE" token
 	       -respectcase => 1
 	       # if set, writes "GAPMODE=(NEWSTATE of MISSING)" token
 	       -gapmode => 1
 	       # if set, writes "MSTAXA=(POLYMORPH or UNCERTAIN)" token
 	       -polymorphism => 1
 	       # if set, writes character labels
 	       -charlabels => 1
		   # by default, names for sequences are derived from $datum->get_name, if 
		   # 'internal' is specified, uses $datum->get_internal_name, if 'taxon'
		   # uses $datum->get_taxon->get_name, if 'taxon_internal' uses 
		   # $datum->get_taxon->get_internal_name, if $key, uses $datum->get_generic($key)
		   -tipnames => one of (internal|taxon|taxon_internal|$key)

Insert argument in invocant.

Type    : Listable method
Title   : insert
Usage   : $matrix->insert($datum);
Function: Inserts $datum in $matrix.
Returns : Modified object
Args    : A datum object
Comments: This method re-implements the method by the same
          name in Bio::Phylo::Listable

Validates the object's contents.

Type    : Method
Title   : validate
Usage   : $obj->validate
Function: Validates the object's contents
Returns : True or throws Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::InvalidData
Args    : None
Comments: This method implements the interface method by the same
          name in Bio::Phylo::Matrices::TypeSafeData

Validates taxa associations.

Type    : Method
Title   : check_taxa
Usage   : $obj->check_taxa
Function: Validates relation between matrix and taxa block 
Returns : Modified object
Args    : None
Comments: This method implements the interface method by the same
          name in Bio::Phylo::Taxa::TaxaLinker



This object inherits from Bio::Phylo::Taxa::TaxaLinker, so the methods defined therein are also applicable to Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix objects.


This object inherits from Bio::Phylo::Matrices::TypeSafeData, so the methods defined therein are also applicable to Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix objects.


Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual.


$Id: 4265 2007-07-20 14:14:44Z rvosa $