Changes for version 0.008 - 2013-08-16
- Bugfix for perl < 5.14
a tool to store articles and publish them as eBooks to read later
store articles and publish them to read later
routines to access Zapzi articles
routines to access Zapzi configuration
database access for Zapzi
database schema for zapzi
zapzi article table
zapzi article_text table
zapzi config table
zapzi folder table
routines to get articles for Zapzi
fetch article from a file
fetch article from a named POD module
fetch article via URL
routines to access Zapzi folders
create eBooks from Zapzi articles
role definition for fetcher modules
role definition for transformer modules
routines to transform Zapzi articles to readble HTML
transform text using HTMLExtractMain
transform text using HTMLExtractMain
transform POD to HTML
transform text using Markdown
default text transformer