FvwmPiazza - Fvwm module for tiling windows


version 0.3




This Fvwm module tiles windows in different ways; each "way" is called a layout. Layouts are applied on a per-desktop basis.


Layouts can be set in two ways: as a default layout, or on the fly.

A default layout is set in the config with a "LayoutN" directive.

*FvwmPiazza: Layout0 Full

The above means that the default layout for desktop 0 is "Full".

To set a layout on the fly, you must send a message to the module; this is most easily done by setting a hotkey command for it.

Key f		A	CM	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Full

This will set the layout for the current desktop to "Full" when Alt-Ctrl-f is hit.

Layout Types

All layouts have a "max_win" argument, which is the maximum number of windows visible in that layout. For different types of layouts, this set of windows is arranged differently.

Columns --max_win I<cols>

Windows are arranged in cols columns.

Columns --max_win I<cols> --ratios I<ratios>

If a ratios argument is given, this defines the ratios of the columns. For example, "Columns --cols 2 --ratios 60:40" will give the first column 60% of the space, and the second column 40% of the space.


All windows are fullscreen.

Grid --max_win I<grids> --cols I<cols>

Windows are arranged in a grid of grids squares, with cols columns. Thus to get a 2x2 grid, the command is "Grid --max_win 4 --cols 2".

Rows --max_win I<rows>

Windows are arranged in rows rows.

Rows --max_win I<rows> --ratios I<ratios>

If a ratios argument is given, this defines the ratios of the rows. For example, "Rows --max_win 2 --ratios 60:40" will give the first row 60% of the space, and the second row 40% of the space.

Tall --max_win I<groups>

Windows are arranged such that the first window is in one column, and the rest of the windows are in (groups - 1) rows in the second column.

Tall --max_win I<groups> --variation Right

If the argument "--variation Right" is given ("Tall --max_win 3 --variation Right" for example) then the arrangement is a mirror-image, with the single-window column being on the right instead of the left.

Wide --max_win I<groups>

Windows are arranged such that the first window is in one row, and the rest of the windows are in (groups - 1) columns in the second row.

Wide --max_win I<groups> --variation Bottom

If the argument "--variation Bottom" is given ("Wide --max_win 3 --variation Bottom" for example) then the arrangement is a mirror-image, with the single-window row being on the bottom instead of the top.

Matrix --max_win I<groups> --cols I<cols> --rows I<rows> --rows I<rows>

The groups number of windows are arranged in cols number of columns, with each column having the corresponding rows number of rows. For example "Matrix --max_win 4 --cols 3 --rows 1 --rows 2 --rows 1" would have three columns, with one window in the first column, two windows in the second column, and one window in the third column.

Moving Windows

Windows can be moved to the next or previous "group" (e.g. in the Column layout, that would be the next or previous column) with a keystroke.

Key Left	A	3S	Current (!CirculateHit) SendToModule FvwmPiazza PrevGroup
Key Right	A	3S	Current (!CirculateHit) SendToModule FvwmPiazza NextGroup

The above bindings move a window to the previous group when Mod3-Shift-Left is hit, and to the next group when Mod3-Shift-Right is hit.

Note that if you move a window directly with the mouse, FvwmPiazza will not notice, and will behave as if the window was still in the same group.

Changing the number of Groups

The number of "groups" in a layout can be increased or decreased on the fly.

Key less	A 	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Decrement 1
Key greater	A 	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Increment 1

The above bindings decrease the number of groups if Mod3-Shift-less is hit, and increase the number of groups if Mod3-Shift-greater is hit.

Other Config Settings


This tells FvwmPiazza to ignore windows that match the given regex.

*FvwmPiazza: Exclude (Gweled|gnome-mastermind|PipeWalker|feh|pho)


Example Config

# =================================================================
# FvwmPiazza
# =================================================================
All (FvwmPiazza) Close
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPiazza: *

*FvwmPiazza: Exclude (Gweled|gnome-mastermind|PipeWalker|feh|pho|Lurk)
*FvwmPiazza: Layout0 Full
*FvwmPiazza: Layout1 Tall 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout2 Tall 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout3 Full
*FvwmPiazza: Layout4 Tall 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout5 Tall 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout6 Tall 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout7 Tall 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout8 Full

Module FvwmPiazza

# Hotkeys
Key n		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza "None"
Key f		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Full
Key t		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Tall --max_win 3
Key t		A	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Tall --max_win 3 --variation Right
Key c		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Columns --max_win 2
Key c		A	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Columns --max_win 3 --ratios 18:64:18
Key r		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Rows --max_win 2
Key r		A	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Rows --max_win 2 --ratios 66
Key w		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Wide --max_win 3
Key w		A	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Wide --max_win 3 --variation Bottom
Key g		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Grid --max_win 4 --cols 2
Key g		A	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Grid --max_win 4 --cols 2 --width_ratio 60 --height_ratio 50

Key less	A 	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Decrement 1
Key greater	A 	3S	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Increment 1

Key Left	A	3S	Current (!CirculateHit) SendToModule FvwmPiazza PrevGroup
Key Right	A	3S	Current (!CirculateHit) SendToModule FvwmPiazza NextGroup

More Complex Example Config

# =================================================================
# FvwmPiazza
# =================================================================
All (FvwmPiazza) Close
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPiazza: *

*FvwmPiazza: Struts 0 112 24 0
*FvwmPiazza: Exclude (Gweled|gnome-mastermind|PipeWalker|feh|pho|Lurk)
*FvwmPiazza: Layout0 Full
*FvwmPiazza: Layout1 Columns 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout2 Grid 6,3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout3 Columns 2
*FvwmPiazza: Layout4 Columns 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout5 Columns 3
*FvwmPiazza: Layout6 Full
*FvwmPiazza: Layout7 None

Module FvwmPiazza

# Hotkeys
Key n		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza "None"
Key f		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Full

Key c		A	3	Popup FPMultiColumnMenu
Key r		A	3	Popup FPMultiRowMenu
Key g		A	3	Popup FPMultiGridMenu

Key Up		A 	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Increment 1
Key Down		A	3	SendToModule FvwmPiazza Decrement 1

Key Left		A	3S	Current (!CirculateHit) SendToModule FvwmPiazza PrevGroup
Key Right		A	3S	Current (!CirculateHit) SendToModule FvwmPiazza NextGroup

# Functions

# Fake multi-keys by defining menus
DestroyMenu FPMultiColumnMenu
AddToMenu FPMultiColumnMenu
+ "&2 Columns" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Columns --max_win 2
+ "&3 Columns" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Columns --max_win 3
+ "&4 Columns" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Columns --max_win 4
+ "&Two-Thirds Columns" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Columns --max_win 2 --ratios 66

DestroyMenu FPMultiRowMenu
AddToMenu FPMultiRowMenu
+ "&2 Rows" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Rows --max_win 2
+ "&3 Rows" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Rows --max_win 3
+ "&4 Rows" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Rows --max_win 4
+ "&Two-Thirds Rows" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Rows --max_win 2 66
+ "&Wide" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Wide --max_win 3
+ "&Bottom Wide" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Wide --max_win 3 Bottom
+ "&a) Two-Thirds Wide" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Wide --max_win 3 --height_ratio 2:1

DestroyMenu FPMultiGridMenu
AddToMenu FPMultiGridMenu
+ "&4 Grid" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Grid --max_win 4 --cols 2
+ "&6 Grid" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Grid --max_win 6 --cols 3
+ "Tall &Left (1-2)" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Tall --max_win 3
+ "Tall &Right (2-1)" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Tall --max_win 3 Right
+ "&a) Tall Left (1-3)" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Tall --max_win 4
+ "&b) Tall Right (3-1)" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Tall --max_win 4 Right
+ "&c) Matrix (1-2-1)" SendToModule FvwmPiazza Matrix --max_win 4 --rows 1 --rows 2 --rows 1 --cols 3





perl Build.PL
./Build test
sudo ./Build install


Since this module is only used by Fvwm, it makes equal sense to install it in your own .fvwm directory.

mkdir $HOME/.fvwm/modules
cp scripts/FvwmPiazza $HOME/.fvwm/modules
mkdir $HOME/.fvwm/perllib
cp -a lib/FvwmPiazza $HOME/.fvwm/perllib


Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author.


Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT)
perlkat AT katspace dot org


Copyright (c) 2009-2011 by Kathryn Andersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.