Changes for version 1.06 - 2010-02-21
- Change namespace from CGI::Application::Demo to CGI::Application::Demo::Basic, to force files to be installed separately from other modules called CGI::Application::Demo::(Ajax, Dispatch).
- Re-write and/or re-design the docs.
- Document much more clearly what needs to be patched by the end user.
- Move CSS and HTML templates into htdocs/assets/..., and simplify their names.
- Move the CGI scripts into cgi-bin/ca.demo.basic, and simplify their names.
- Use DBIx::Admin::CreateTable rather than copying some of its code.
- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.
- Replace personal doc root with /var/www.
- Use namespace::autoclean with Moose.
- Change default database driver to SQLite.
- Change path to Perl to /usr/bin/perl. Thanx for Larry for bug report #45751.
- Change path to config files and templates to /var/www/.
- Remove scripts/bu-demo from the distro.
- Eliminate references to $ENV.
- Write a new module to handle reading config files.
- Move the config files into lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/Util, so they can be installed with the *.pm files, and so Config::Tiny can find them easily. Change config file handing to match.
A vehicle to showcase CGI::Application
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/Util/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/Util/
in lib/CGI/Application/Demo/Basic/Util/