ClearPress::view - MVC view superclass
$Revision: 416 $
my $oView = ClearPress::view::<subclass>->new({util => $oUtil});
print $oView->decor()?
q(Content-type: ).$oView->content_type()."\n\n";
print $oView->render();
print $oView->decor()?$oDecorator->footer():q[];
View superclass for the ClearPress framework
new - constructor
my $oView = ClearPress::view::<subclass>->new({util => $oUtil, ...});
init - additional post-constructor hook
determine_aspect - URI processing
sets the aspect based on the HTTP Accept: header
- useful for API access setting Accept: text/xml
template_name - the name of the template to load, based on view class and method_name()
my $sTemplateName = $oView->template_name();
method_name - the name of the method to invoke on the model, based on action and aspect
my $sMethodName = $oView->method_name();
warnings - an arrayref of warning strings set for this view
my $arWarningStrings = $oView->warnings();
authorised - Verify authorisation for this view
This should usually take into account $self->action() which suggests
read or write access.
my $bIsAuthorised = $oView->authorised();
render - generates and returns content for this view
my $sViewOutput = $oView->render();
streamed_aspects - an arrayref of aspects which perform streamed output.
Implemented in subclass:
sub streamed_aspects {
return [qw(list list_xml list_json)];
sub list { ... }
sub list_xml { ... }
sub list_json { ... }
list - stub for entity list actions
create - A default model creation/save method
Populates $oSelf->model() with its expected parameters from the CGI
block, then calls $oModel->create();
add - stub for single-entity-creation actions
edit - stub for single-entity editing
read - stub for single-entity-view actions
update - stub for entity update actions
delete - stub for entity delete actions
tt - a configured Template (TT2) object
my $tt = $oView->tt();
add_tt_filter - add a named template toolkit content filter, usually performed in init()
sub init {
my $self = shift;
sub {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/foo/bar/smxg;
return $string;
tt_filters - hashref of configured template toolkit filters
my $hrFilters = $oView->tt_filters();
util - get/set accessor for utility object
my $oUtil = $oView->util();
model - get/set accessor for data model object
my $oModel = $oView->model();
action - get/set accessor for the action being performed on this view
my $sAction = $oView->action();
aspect - get/set accessor for the aspect being performed on this view
my $sAction = $oView->aspect();
content_type - get/set accessor for content mime-type (Content-Type HTTP header)
my $sContentType = $oView->content_type();
charset - get/set accessor for content charset (Content-Type header charset) - default UTF-8
my $sCharSet = $oView->charset();
decor - get/set accessor for page decoration toggle
my $bDecorToggle = $oView->decor();
entity_name - get/set accessor for the entity_name
Usually set by the controller, after processing the request. Used for
remapping requests to classes (specifically things of the form
application::(model|view)::something::somethingelse .
my $sEntityName = $oView->entity_name();
actions - templated output for available actions
my $sActionOutput = $oView->actions();
list_xml - default passthrough to list() for xml service
read_xml - default passthrough to read() for xml service
create_xml - default passthrough to create() for xml service
update_xml - default passthrough to update() for xml service
delete_xml - default passthrough to delete() for xml service
list_ajax - default passthrough to list() for ajax service
read_ajax - default passthrough to read() for ajax service
create_ajax - default passthrough to create() for ajax service
update_ajax - default passthrough to update() for ajax service
delete_ajax - default passthrough to delete() for ajax service
list_json - default passthrough to list() for json service
read_json - default passthrough to read() for json service
create_json - default passthrough to create() for json service
update_json - default passthrough to update() for json service
delete_json - default passthrough to delete() for json service
init - post-constructor initialisation hook for subclasses
process_template - process a template with standard parameters
Process template.tt2 with standard parameters, output to stdout.
Process template.tt2 with standard parameters plus extras, output to
$oView->process_template('template.tt2', {extra=>'params'});
Process template.tt2 with standard plus extra parameters and output
into $to_scalar.
$oView->process_template('template.tt2', {extra=>'params'}, $to_scalar);
output_buffer - For streamed output: queue a string for output
$oView->output_buffer(q[my string]);
output_end - For streamed output: flag no more output and flush buffer
output_finished - For streamed output: flag there's no more output
output_flush - For streamed output: flush output buffer to STDOUT
output_reset - clear data pending output
autoescape - turn auto-escaping of input on/off, usually in a subclass
If you're producing applications of moderate complexity, you almost
certainly want to disable autoescaping and handle it more cleverly
yourself. Subclass ClearPress::view and set self->autoescape to zero
or override the subroutine:
sub autoescape { return 0; }
- base
- strict
- warnings
- Class::Accessor
- Template
- Template::Filters
- HTML::Entities
- XML::Simple
- ClearPress::util
- Carp
- English
Roger Pettett, <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Roger Pettett
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.