Take me over?
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
If you're interested then please contact them via
Changes for version 0.15 - 2005-03-22
- Have all functions croak if invoked with the wrong number of arguments. Add URI::Find->badinvo. https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=1845
- Mention DARREN's urifind script in the man page.
- Oops, URI::URL::strict was turned on and left on. Put it back the way you found it. Thanks to Chris Nandor. https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=11906
- Schemeless.pm:
- Find '<x>intag.com</x>'.
- Get $tldRe from a new class method, ->top_level_domain_re.
- Update top level domain list.
Find URIs in arbitrary text
Find schemeless URIs in arbitrary text.