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DBIx::NoSQL - Experimental NoSQL-ish overlay for an SQL database


version 0.0011


    use DBIx::NoSQL;

    my $store = DBIx::NoSQL->new;

    $store->connect( 'store.sqlite' );

    $store->set( 'Artist' => 'Smashing Pumpkins' => {
        name => 'Smashing Pumpkins',
        genre => 'rock',
        website => '',
    } );

    $store->set( 'Artist' => 'Tool' => {
        name => 'Tool',
        genre => 'rock',
    } );

    $store->search( 'Artist' )->count; # 2

    my $artist = $store->get( 'Artist' => 'Smashing Pumpkins' );

    # Set up a (searchable) index on the name field
    $store->model( 'Artist' )->field( 'name' => ( index => 1 ) );
    $store->model( 'Artist' )->reindex;

    for $artist ( $store->search( 'Artist' )->order_by( 'name DESC' )->all ) {

    $store->model( 'Album' )->field( 'released' => ( index => 1, isa => 'DateTime' ) );

    $store->set( 'Album' => 'Siamese Dream' => {
        artist => 'Smashing Pumpkins',
        released => DateTime->new( ... ),
    } );

    my $album = $store->get( 'Album' => 'Siamese Dream' );
    my $released = $album->{ released }; # The field is automatically inflated
    print $release->strftime( ... );


DBIx::NoSQL is a layer over DBI that presents a NoSQLish way to store and retrieve data. You do not need to prepare a schema beforehand to start putting data in!

Currently, data setting/getting works by using JSON for serialization and SQLite as the database (though additional database support should not be difficult to implement)

The API is fairly sane, though still an early "alpha." At the moment, a better name for this package might be "DBIx::NoSQLite"


$store = DBIx::NoSQL->new

Returns a new DBIx::NoSQL store

$store->connect( $path )

Connect to (creating if necessary) the SQLite database located at $path

$store->set( $model, $key, $value )

Set $key (a string) to $value (a HASH reference) in $model

If $model has index, this command will also update the index entry corresponding to $key

$value = $store->get( $model, $key )

Get $value matching $key in $model

$value = $store->delete( $model, $key )

Delete the entry matching $key in $model

If $model has index, this command will also delete the index entry corresponding to $key


For additional usage, see SYNOPSIS or look at the code

More documentation forthcoming





Robert Krimen <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Robert Krimen.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.