Changes for version 0.22 - 2013-01-21
- RT#81725 - save HashRef[ArrayRef[Class]] now works; loading does not (yet).
- GH#22 - load_schema with shorten MOP issue fixed (dagolden)
- GH#24 - Support for both MongoDB::Connection (deprecated) && MongoDB::MongoClient (MongoDB 0.503)
- Deprecation warnings removed from tests
- get_collection now required, no more implicit $db-><collecion>() method calling
- GH#21 - use insert() if PK defined and no _id in doc (dagolden)
MongoDB document to Moose object mapper
sugary Mongoose-oriented replacement for Moose
a Mongoose wrapper for MongoDB::Cursor
deprecated persistance document state keeper
a Mongo document role
role for embedded documents
heavy lifting done here
wrapper for MongoDB::GridFS::File
simple class relationship resolver
Mongoose related attribute traits
in lib/Mongoose/Meta/
in lib/Mongoose/Meta/
in lib/Mongoose/Meta/
in lib/Mongoose/Meta/
in lib/Mongoose/Meta/
in lib/Mongoose/Meta/