version 0.01_01
package Person;
use Moose;
with 'Mongoose::Document';
has 'name' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str' );
package main;
use Mongoose;
my $person = Person->new( name=>'Jack' );
my $person = Person->find_one({ name=>'Jack' });
my $cursor = Person->find({ name=>'Jack' });
die "Not found" unless defined $cursor;
while( my $person = $cursor->next ) {
say "You're " . $person->name;
This is a MongoDB-Moose object mapper. This module allows you to use the full power of MongoDB within your Moose classes, without sacrificing MongoDB's power, flexibility and speed.
It's loosely inspired by Ruby's MongoMapper, which is in turn based on the ActiveRecord pattern.
Start by reading the introduction Mongoose::Intro.
Or proceed directly to the Mongoose::Cookbook for many day-to-day recipies.
Sets the current MongoDB connection and/or db name.
Mongoose->db( 'myappdb' );
The connection defaults to whatever MongoDB defaults are (tipically localhost:27017).
For more control over the connection, with options:
my $db = Mongoose->db(
host => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
query_timeout => 60,
db_name => 'myapp'
This will, in turn, instantiate a MongoDB::Connection
instance with all giving parameters.
naming (isa: Coderef)
By default, Mongoose converts package names into collections by replacing double-colon ::
with underscores _
, separating camel-case, such as aB
with a_b
and uppercase with lowercase letters.
This method let's you change this behaviour, by setting setting the collection naming default sub.
The closure gets the package name as first parameter and returns the collection name.
# let me change the naming strategy
# for my mongo collections
# to lowercase
Mongoose->naming(sub{ lc( shift ) });
The current connection object, of class MongoDB::Connection. Defaults to whatever MongoDB defaults.
Fork me on github:
This is a WIP, barely *beta* quality software.
Report bugs via RT. File test cases.
* Better error control * Finish-up multiple database support * Allow query->fields to control which fields get expanded into the object. * Cleanup internals. * More tests and use cases.