Mongoose::Cookbook - recipes, recipes


version 0.01


Here we go.

Connecting to MongoDB

First connect to a database before starting to use your classes.

use Mongoose;
Mongoose->db( 'mydb'); # looks for a localhost connection

# or, for more control:


This is done globally here for simplicity sake, but multiple connections and databases are also supported.

Connecting to more than one database

This is a work in progress. Right now this syntax is supported:

Mongoose->db( class=>'Person', db_name=>'mydbone', ... );
Mongoose->db( class=>'Address', db_name=>'mydbtwo', ... );

This is quite rudimentary, and will probably change in the future.

Loading a Schema

To quickly load your Mongoose classes (or any kind of package for that matter), use the load_schema method:

package main;
Mongoose->load_schema( search_path=>'MyApp::Schema', shorten=>1 );

Use it only once in your program. Your modules will be required and may be used from anywhere else.

If set to 1, the shorten option will alias MyApp::Schema::MyClass into MyClass for convenience.

Preventing attributes from being stored

In case your class has attributes you don't want to store in the database.

package Person;
use Moose;
with 'Mongoose::Document';

has 'name' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'age'  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default  => 40 );
has 'salary' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', traits => ['DoNotSerialize'] );

One-to-many Relationships

This can be accomplished several ways.


Use the ArrayRef Moose type.

package Person;
use Moose;
with 'Mongoose::Document';

has 'name' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'accounts'  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Account]' );

Then, define the Account class, either as a document or embedded document, depending on how you want it stored.

package Address;
use Moose;
with Mongoose::EmbeddedDocument;

has 'amount' => ...;

But this has a memory and performance cost, since all related rows will be loaded in memory during object expansion.

To avoid loading related rows, use a Mongoose::Join parameterized type.


Establishing a Mongoose::Join relationship will load relationships lazily:

package Person;
use Moose; with 'Mongoose::Document';

has 'name' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'accounts'  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Mongoose::Join[Account]' );

Then retrieve data with a cursor:

my $large_acc = $person->accounts->find({ amount => { '$gt' => 100000 } });
while( my $account = $large_acc->next ) {

Sugar for Defining Relationships

Use Mongoose::Class instead of Moose.

package Article;
use Mongoose::Class; with 'Mongoose::Document';
has 'title' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', required=>1 );
has_one 'author' => 'Author'; 
has_many 'comments' => 'Comment'; 
belongs_to => 'Account';

Normalizing a Relationship

Normalization is a relational concept, not natural to the document-oriented MongoDB, but an useful approach that should sometimes be taken into consideration.

Sometimes it may just be more adequate than storing relationships directly in objects:

package Authorship;
use Mongoose::Class; with 'Mongoose::Document';

has_one 'author' => 'Author';
has_many 'articles' => 'Article';

# or even:
#  has_one 'article' => 'Article';

package main;

# create

my $authorship = Authorship->new;
$authorship->author( Author->new );
$authorship->articles->add( Article->new );
$authorship->articles->add( Article->new );

# find

my $articles = Authorship->find_one({ author=>$author->_id });
while( my $article = $articles->next ) {

Package aliasing

To make a long package name shorter, use:

package My::Mumbo::Jumbo::Class;
with 'Mongoose::Document' => {
    -as    => 'Mumbo',

# then in your code

my $obj = Mumbo->find_one({ flavor=>'gum' })

print ref $obj;
# prints 'My::Mumbo::Jumbo::Class'

print $obj->isa('Mumbo')
# prints 1

Method aliasing

In case you don't want a find_one or save method polluting your class.

package BankAccount;
with 'Mongoose::Document' => {
    -alias    => { 'find_one' => '_find_one' },
    -excludes => { 'find_one' },

Paging and Sorting

Just use MongoDB's query standard syntax:

# sorting

my $sorted = Person->query( {}, { sort_by => { name => 1 } } )->each(
    sub {
        my $person = shift;
        print $person->name;

# paging

my $paged = Person->query(
        sort_by => { name => 1 },
        limit   => 20,
        skip    => 40
    sub {
        my $person = shift;
        print $person->name;

Direct access to MongoDB Calls

To skip Mongoose and have direct access to MongoDB, use the db and collection methods on your class:

# finds and expands documents into objects

my $cur = Person->find;

# or just get the plain documents (hashrefs)

my $cur = Person->collection->find;

# get the MongoDB::Database object for your class

my $db = Person->db;
$db->run_command({ shutdown => 1 });

This can be useful for performance reasons, when you don't need to expand objects, or need to access MongoDB functionality not available in Mongoose. It's also useful for testing, to compare if some set of query results returned by Mongoose are identical to the straight MongoDB driver's results.