Net::APNS::Simple - APNS Perl implementation


A Perl implementation for sending notifications via APNS using Apple's new HTTP/2 API. This library uses Protocol::HTTP2::Client as http2 backend. And it also supports multiple stream at one connection. (It does not correspond to parallel stream because APNS server returns SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 1.)


use Net::APNS::Simple;

# With provider authentication tokens
my $apns = Net::APNS::Simple->new(
    # enable if development
    # development => 1,
    auth_key => '/path/to/auth_key.p8',
    key_id => 'AUTH_KEY_ID',
    team_id => 'APP_PREFIX',
    bundle_id => 'APP_ID',

# With SSL certificates
my $apns = Net::APNS::Simple->new(
    # enable if development
    # development => 1,
    cert_file => '/path/to/cert.pem',
    key_file => '/path/to/key.pem',
    passwd_cb => sub { return 'key-password' },
    bundle_id => 'APP_ID',

# 1st request
        aps => {
            alert => 'APNS message: HELLO!',
            badge => 1,
            sound => "default",
            # SEE:,
    }, sub {
        my ($header, $content) = @_;
        require Data::Dumper;
        print Dumper $header;

        # $VAR1 = [
        #           ':status',
        #           '200',
        #           'apns-id',
        #           '791DE8BA-7CAA-B820-BD2D-5B12653A8DF3'
        #         ];

        print Dumper $content;

        # $VAR1 = undef;

# 2nd request

# also supports method chain
# $apns->prepare(1st request)->prepare(2nd request)....

# send notification


my $apns = Net::APNS::Simple->new(%arg)

development : bool

Switch API's URL to '' if enabled.

auth_key : string

Private key file for APNS obtained from Apple.

team_id : string

Team ID (App Prefix)

bundle_id : string

Bundle ID (App ID)

cert_file : string

SSL certificate file.

key_file : string

SSL key file.

passwd_cb : sub reference

If the private key is encrypted, this should be a reference to a subroutine that should return the password required to decrypt your private key.

apns_id : string

Canonical UUID that identifies the notification (apns-id header).

apns_expiration : number

Sets the apns-expiration header.

apns_priority : number

Sets the apns-priority header. Default 10.

apns_collapse_id : string

Sets the apns-collapse-id header.

proxy : string

URL of a proxy server. Default $ENV{https_proxy}. Pass undef to disable proxy.

All properties can be accessed as Getter/Setter like `$apns->development`.

$apns->prepare($DEVICE_ID, $PAYLOAD);

Prepare notification. It is possible to specify more than one. Please do before invoking notify method.

$apns->prepare(1st request)->prepare(2nd request)....

Payload please refer:


Execute notification. Multiple notifications can be executed with one SSL connection.


Copyright (C) Tooru Tsurukawa.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Tooru Tsurukawa <rockbone.g at>