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Object::Anon - Create objects on the fly


use Object::Anon;

# create an object from a hash
my $o = anon { foo => "bar" };
say $o->foo; # prints "bar";
say $o->baz; # dies, no such method

# deep hashes will turn into deep objects
my $o = anon { foo => { bar => "baz" } };
say $o->foo->bar; # prints "baz"

# so do arrays
my $o = anon { foo => [ { n => 1 }, { n => 2 }, { n => 3 } ] };
say $o->foo->[2]->n; # prints "3"

# overloading
my $o = anon { foo => "bar", '""' => "baz" };
say $o->foo; # prints "bar"
say $o;      # prints "baz"


This module is highly experimental. I think the idea is sound, but there's a bunch of important design points that I haven't yet finalised. See TODO for details, and take care when using this in your own code.


This modules exports a single function anon that takes a hash as its argument and returns an object with methods corresponding to the hash keys.

Why would you want this? Well, its not at all uncommon to want to return a hash from some function. The problem is the usual one with hashes - its too easy to mistype a key and silently fail without knowing exactly where you went wrong.

Returning an object fixes this problem since an attempt to call a missing method results in a fatal error. Unfortunately there's lots of boilerplate required to create a class for every kind of return type. And that's why this module exists - it make it trivially easy to convert a hash into an object, with nothing else to worry about.


This module exports a single function anon. When called with a hashref as its argument, it returns an object with methods named for the hash keys that return the corresponding value.

It does this by installing simple read accessors into a class with a randomised name, then blessing an empty hash into that class and returning it. The methods are named for the keys, and return a copy of the value found in the hash key.

The call:

$o = anon { foo => "bar", baz => "quux" };

produces similar results to the following code:

package random::class::1;
sub foo { "bar" }
sub baz { "quux" }
$o = bless {}, "random::class::1";

Value handling

There is special handling for certain value types to make them more useful.


Hashes will be converted to objects in turn. So this:

$o = anon { foo => { bar => "baz" } };

becomes similar in function to:

package random::class::1;
sub bar { "baz" }
package random::class::2;
sub foo { bless {}, "random::class::1" }
$o = bless {}, "random::class::2";

except that all the bless stuff happens up-front, not at call time.


Arrays of hashes are similarly handled, returning instead an array of objects.


Coderefs are installed as-is, that is:

$o = anon { foo => sub { "bar" } };


package random::class::1;
sub foo { "bar" }
$o = bless {}, "random::class::1";


If a hash key is one of the overload operators (see overload) then an overload function will be installed instead of the named key:

$o = anon { foo => "bar", '""' => "baz" };

becomes something like:

package random::class::1;
sub foo { "bar" }
use overload '""' => sub { "baz" };
$o = bless {}, "random::class::1";

Be aware that simple strings won't suffice for many kinds of overload (like comparison operators), so much of the time you'll want to pass a coderef. Object::Anon won't do anything special with the code it generates for overloads, so things like this can give odd results:

$o = anon { "+" => "foo" }; # addition overload
say $o + 3; # prints "foo";


Much of this is design that I haven't quite figured out yet (mostly because I haven't had a strong need for it yet). If you have thoughts about any of this, please let me know!

  • Class caching. It'd be nice for the same return in a busy function to be able to reuse the class that was generated last time. The only difficulty is determining when to do this. Net::Twitter does this with data returned from the Twitter API by taking a SHA1 of the returned keys and uses that as a cache key for a Moose metaclass. That's a nice approach when you know the incoming hash is always JSON, but doesn't work as well when you can't predict the value type (especially if the value is a coderef). Including the value type in the cache key and not caching at all when coderefs are seen might work, but may be too limiting. Another approach might involve looking at the caller, on the basis that the same point in the code is probably returning the same structure each time.

  • Overload clashes. Some overloaded operators are common words. If a hash had a key of that name it would generate an overload, not a method of that name, which isn't want you want. The only ways I can think of to deal with this is to either limit the set of possible overload operators to ones unlikely to clash (the symbol ones), or to make overload specified by an option or similar. Neither of these options particularly appeal to me though.

  • Return hash. Should it be filled with the original data so you can access the data as a hash as well as via the methods? I'm inclined to think not, particularly since that makes it modifiable which then brings up a question of whether or not those changes should be reflected in the the data return from the methods. But if you wanted to then pass the hash to something else, it won't do the right thing either. Maybe a hash deref overload?


  • Object::Result - another way of addressing the same problem. This was actually the direct inspiration for Object::Anon. I liked the idea, but hated that it defined its own syntax and required PPI.


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license.

git clone


  • Robert Norris <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Robert Norris.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.