CGI::Upload - CGI class for handling browser file uploads


use CGI;
use CGI::Upload;

my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $upload = CGI::Upload->new( $cgi );

my $file_name = $upload->file_name( 'field_name' );
my $file_type = $upload->file_type( 'field_name' );

$upload->mime_magic( '/path/to/mime.types' );
my $mime_type = $upload->mime_type( 'field_name' );

my $file_handle = $upload->file_handle( 'field_name' );


This module has been written to provide a simple and secure manner by which to handle files uploaded in multipart/form-data requests through a web browser. The primary advantage which this module offers over existing modules is the single interface providing the most often required information regarding files uploaded through multipart/form-data requests.

Building on CGI and File::MMagic, this module offers a very tidy and succinct interface for handling of file uploads.


The following methods are available through this module for use in CGI scripts and can be exported upon request.

new( $cgi )

This method creates and returns a new CGI::Upload object. In previously versions of CGI::Upload, a mandatory argument of the object to be used was required. This is no longer necessary with initiation of a new object within the CGI::Upload constructor if one is not passed as an argument to the constructor. This created is subsequently available via the query method.

Remember that only a single object can be initiated within a given CGI script.


Returns the object used for the CGI::Upload class. If a object was passed to the CGI::Upload constructor, it is this object which is returned by this method.

file_handle( 'field_name' )

This method returns the file handle to a temporary file containing the file uploaded through the form input field named 'field_name'.

file_name( 'field_name' )

This method returns the file name of the file uploaded through the form input field named 'field_name' - This file name does not reflect the local temporary file name of the uploaded file, but that supplied by the client web browser.

file_type( 'field_name' )

This method returns the file type of the file uploaded as indicated by the file extension - This does not necessarily reflect the nature of the file uploaded, but allows CGI scripts to perform cursory validation on the file uploaded.

mime_magic( '/path/to/mime.types' )

This method sets and/or returns the external magic mime types file to be used for identification of files via the mime_type method. By default, identification is based upon internal mime types defined within the File::MMagic module.

See File::MMagic for further details.

mime_type( 'field_name' )

This method returns the file type of the file uploaded through the form input field named 'field_name' as indicated by the file magic numbers. This is the best means by which to validate the nature of the uploaded file.

See File::MMagic for further details.


CGI, File::MMagic, HTTP::File


Copyright 2002, Rob Casey,

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Rob Casey,