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Test::Lazy - A quick and easy way to compose and run tests with useful output.


Version 0.061


	use Test::Lazy qw/check try/;

    # Will evaluate the code and check it:
	try('qw/a/' => eq => 'a');
	try('qw/a/' => ne => 'b');
	try('qw/a/' => is => ['a']);

    # Don't evaluate, but still compare:
	check(1 => is => 1);
	check(0 => isnt => 1);
	check(a => like => qr/[a-zA-Z]/);
	check(0 => unlike => qr/a-zA-Z]/);
	check(1 => '>' => 0);
	check(0 => '<' => 1);

    # A failure example:

	check([qw/a b/] => is => [qw/a b c/]);

    # Failed test '['a','b'] is ['a','b','c']'
    # Compared array length of $data
    #    got : array with 2 element(s)
    # expect : array with 3 element(s)

    # Custom test explanation:

	try('2 + 2' => '==' => 5, "Math is hard: %?");

    # Failed test 'Math is hard: 2 + 2 == 5'
    #      got: 4
    # expected: 5


Ever get tired of coming up with a witty test message? Think that the best explanation for a test is the code behind it? Test::Lazy is for you. Test::Lazy will take a stringified piece of code, evaluate it, and use a comparator to match the result to an expectation. If the test fails, then Test::Lazy will use the code as the test explanation so you can exactly what went wrong.

You can even put in your own amendment to Test::Lazy's response, just use the '%?' marker in your explanation.


If <expect> is an ARRAY or HASH reference, then Test::Lazy will do a structure comparison, using cmp_structure as opposed to cmp_scalar. Generally, this means using Test::Deep to do the comparison.

For try or check, <compare> should be one of the below:


ok: Test::More::ok

not_ok: ! Test::More::ok

< > <= >= lt gt le ge == != eq ne: Test::More::cmp_ok

is isnt like unlike: Test::More::{is,isnt,like,unlike}


ok: Test::More::ok

not_ok: ! Test::More::ok

bag same_bag samebag: Test::Deep::cmp_bag

set same_set sameset: Test::Deep::cmp_set

same is like eq ==: Test::Deep::cmp_deeply

isnt unlink ne !=: Test::More::ok(!Test::Deep::eq_deeply)


check( <got>, <compare>, <expect>, [ <notice> ] )

Compare <got> to <expect> using <compare>. Optionally provide a <notice> to display on failure. If <notice> is not given, then one will be automatically made from <got>, <compare>, and <expect>.

Note, if <expect> is an ARRAY or HASH, try will do structural comparison instead of scalar comparison.

check([qw/a b/] => is => [qw/a b c/]);

# This will produce the following output:

#   Failed test '["a","b"] is ["a","b","c"]'
#   at __FILE__ line __LINE__.
#         got: '["a","b"]'
#    expected: '["a","b","c"]'

try( <statement>, <compare>, <expect>, [ <notice> ] )

Evaluate <statement> and compare the result to <expect> using <compare>. Optionally provide a <notice> to display on failure. If <notice> is not given, then one will be automatically made from <statement>, <compare>, and <expect>.

try will also try to guess what representation is best for the result of the statement, whether that be single value, ARRAY, or HASH. It'll do this based on what is returned by the statement, and the type of <expect>. See `perldoc -m Test::Lazy` for more detail.

Note, if <expect> is an ARRAY or HASH, try will do structural comparison instead of scalar comparison.

try("2 + 2" => '==' => 5);

# This will produce the following output:

#   Failed test '2 + 2 == 5'
#   at __FILE__ line __LINE__.
#          got: '4'
#     expected: '5'

template( ... )

Convenience function for creating a Test::Lazy::Template. All arguments are directly passed to Test::Lazy::Template::new.

See Test::Lazy::Template for more details.

Returns a new Test::Lazy::Template object.



Access the underlying Test::Lazy::Tester object to customize comparators or renderers.

    Test::Lazy->singleton->cmp_scalar->{xyzzy} = sub {
        Test::More::cmp_ok($_[0] => eq => "xyzzy", $_[2]);

    # ... meanwhile ...

	check("xyzy" => "is_xyzzy");

    # Failed test 'xyzy is_xyzzy'
    #      got: 'xyzy'
    # expected: 'xyzzy'

Returns a Test::Lazy::Tester object.


Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-test-lazy at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Test::Lazy

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2007 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.